Where have TRS-80’s been in Movies and on TV?
Mini-Model I Designs for 3-D Printers

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RabbitEngineering has posted STL files (under the Creative Commons – Attribution – Non-Commercial license) for 3-D printing a Model I, including monitor, expansion interface, and disk drives.
Finally plugging a big hole in my collection, the TRS80 Model I! This thing was a true powerhouse in the late 70s, and has a lot of fans. This version includes all the trimmings – expansion system, disk, the works – enjoy!
Print in four colors – black, silver, white (the Enter key) and red (the power LED). Follow the photos to see colors for the rest of the parts.
When you are done, you should be able to slip in the paper screens into the slot on the left of the monitor, so ensure there are no bits of support or other obstructions when you print and glue those pieces.
The files and details can be downloaded from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3497435 or from here.
Mini-Model III Paper Cut-out Design

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Rocky Bergen has created a Model III paper cutout template for a tiny Model III with replaceable screens. It can be downloaded from Rocky’s site or from here.
True Type Font Set

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Model I/III/4 True-Type Font Sets created by Rebecca Bettencourt can be downloaded here.
Model II Boot Screen Wallpaper

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Jeremy Cyr has created a Model II Boot Screen which can function as background wallpaper for your operating system. It can be downloaded here.