TRS-80 Repairs: Repair People

People Who Repair TRS-80’s

For those with broken TRS-80’s who have been looking for people who might be able to repair them, this page is a listing of people who have advised that they are able to do repairs. I have not met, used, spoken with, vetted, etc., anyone on this page, so you must make your own decision as to whether you wish to hire the person and send off your TRS-80. I cannot stress strongly enough that I take no responsibility. I am merely passing on the identities of people who say they can do the repairs.

N.Y. Tri-State Area
Pete Cetinski
pete at
N.Y. Tri-State Area

TRS-80 Models I/III/4 and Models II/12/16/16B/6000

Ian Mavric
ianm at
trs-80 dot com
Melbourne, Australia

TRS-80 Models I/III/4, 4P, Cocos, Tandy 1000 and 2000, Hard drives

Jeff Flanagan
epix dot net
LeRaysville, PA

TRS-80 Model I

Midwest USA
Joe Rounceville
jrounceville at
hotmail dot com
Midwest USA

TRS-80 Model I

U.K. / E.U.
Bas Gialopsos
bgialopsos at
aol dot com
South Wales

All TRS-80 Models

Brad McCartney
thewizard65 at
live dot com

Spare parts for many computers