June 4, 2024 – Model I Case Replication Project

Marcel Erz’s TRS-80 RetroStack projects continue to be completed.

Read about the recently finished Model 1 case replication project here.

And peruse his other finished projects including a ‘Fake Keyboard Bezel’ case that works with a Raspberry Pi and modern USB or wireless keyboards, a mini case, and about many others here.

Sign up for his Patreon and encourage him to complete the many special projects such as a TRS-80 Model 1 Japanese Replica, an improved version of the Model 1, or for the Norcom TC-III replica – A Model 3 in the form factor of a Model I.

Marcel Erz’s RetroStack is also hosting a noteworthy project by Ven Reddy: the Model 1 Test Harness. This device utilizes the *TEST signal on the edge card connector for system testing without needing to swap ROMs. The project is still in progress, so here’s a link to follow as it’s updated: here.

April 25, 2024 – Emulator trs80gp updated to v2.5.3

Version 2.5.3 of trs80gp has been released by brothers, George & Peter Phillips.

This software emulates TRS-80 Models 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 16, 6000, MC-10, Color Computer, DT-1, and Radio Shack Videotex terminals.

The download zip file contains binaries to run on Windows, MacOS, Linux and Raspberry Pi.

Release Notes:
• Model 1, 3, 4 now accept .wav files as cassette input.
• Add -pp/-ppx options to control printer window pop-up.
• $317A and $317B are now memory mapped printer port aliases on Model I.
• Model 1 RS-232 sense switches (thanks to Tuc for hardware tests).
• Model 1/3/4 RS-232 receive bug fixed.
• Add loopback device to RS-232 choices (-r :loop on command line)
• Add -rx option to disable RS-232 on Model 1,2,3,4,12,16.
• CoCo BASIC ROM 1.0 printer output fixed.
• Text pasting works for CoCo 1.0 and 1.1 ROMs.
• Semigraphics 6 modes will display alternate palette (Electric Crayon, MC-10, CoCo).
• Printer auto-turbo works for all models now.
• Add “-im disksummary” and disksummary on drive exports to output a summary of drive structure just like the Disk Viewer window.
• Model 4 software keyboard no longer missing ‘+’ character on keycap.
• trs80gp -m1 -dx no longer loads lower case driver by default; use -lld to do so.

Get it at http://48k.ca/trs80gp.html