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January 5, 2021 – TRS80GP v2.4.1 Released
TRS80GP has been updated to v2.4.1. Release Notes:
- Critical bug fix where .jv1, .jv3 and .imd disk drives were not saving changes.
- Windows version remembers window positions and display modes. This includes a notion of “instances” which have their own preferences and show “#2”, “#3”, etc. in their window title.
- FreHD firmware and boot versions to 9.08 and 7.06 to avoid frehd.rom bugs.
- Command line -sx option to disable audio output entirely.
- Unmapped memory regions now display in debugger as ~ff (or ~00 on the Model II).
- Keyboard input can be fed in via TCP/IP with -ip @port or Keyboard -> Connection.
- Don’t crash when given a floppy image for DT-1, Videotex or “-b 0” for DT-1.
- MacOS wasn’t filling in disk view hex data or debugger hex data.
- Z-80 debugger wasn’t updating I and R register displays in MacOS.
- Linux custom colour picking works now.
Visit the TRS80GP Web Page at for the download and information.
January 16, 2021 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 11 set for January 30th!

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk live show is Saturday, January 30, 2021 AT 2:00PM Pacific Standard Time / 5:00PM Eastern Standard Time!
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
January 20, 2021 – Mohammad Dadashzadeh OK’s Downloads
Mohammad Dadashzadeh of MDZ Associates had written quite a few little helpful utilities and programs back in the day. He has graciously given permission to make his software downloadable.
You can find (and download) his software from the Software Search page, and entering MDZ in the Author field.
Thank you, Mohammad
January 28, 2021 – Added Misosys Quarterly
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The magazine “Misosys Quarterly” has been added to the Magazines section. Tables of Contents are present and all issues are downloadable thanks to Roy Soltoff and Tim Mann..
January 29, 2021 – Z’DOS Manual
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The Z’DOS manual is available for download on the Software Manuals page thanks to Patrick (of Texas Tandy Restorations for buying it on eBay and scanning it, and thanks to Vernon Hester for making all Cosmopolitan Electronics Corp software/manuals free for the download.
January 30, 2021 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 11

Announcements and inquiries from TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 11:
- Quentin Barnes is looking for a working copy of Quartus II v9.0 or earlier to assist the creator of the Catweasel in updating the Catweasel. If you have any information or can help, please contact me.
- Arno Puder has gone over some updates to his TRS-IO card allowing it to do floppy disk emulation, printer port access, and any other memory mapped I/O. Arno also hopes to use bluetooth to access game controllers in upcoming versions.
- Arno also went over the PocketTRS which is a tiny card which emulates a Model III, and has a 50-Pin Bus for hooking actual Model III hardware. They are working on v2.2 which will improve WiFi connectivity.
- George Hines, creator of the Floppy Remapper, announced his latest project, a Model I which uses a EEPROM Header Mod to permit switching between Level I and Level II.
- Tandy Assembly is currently scheduled for October 1-3, 2021 in Springfield, Ohio.
- Pete Cetinski has archived RM Cobol Operating System for the Model 16. Peter Phillips is using it to fix some bugs in TRS80GP’s emulation of the Model 16.
- Dusty mentioned that articles for the March issue of TRS8BIT are needed by end of February.
- Ken B is working on scaning the Tandy National Parts microfiche.
- Pete Centinski, Joe Rounceville, and Al Schemmer have been added to the TRS-80 Repair-people page.
- Steve Hall has agreed to take on the task of providing boot disks those of in the U.K. and E.U. Information for reaching out to Steve can be found on the Diskette Request Form shortly.
February 7, 2021 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 12 set for February 27th!

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk live show is Saturday, February 27, 2021 AT 5:00PM Pacific Standard Time / 8:00PM Eastern Standard Time!
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
February 8, 2020 – TRS-80 Trash Talk #39 is Out

Episode # 38 of the podcast TRS-80 Trash Talk is out now.
“In this episode we discuss the usual news and current events in the world of the TRS-80. We discuss a bunch of recent acquisitions. We also review the book “TRS-80 More Than BASIC” and present a new segment “Call for Projects”. Then, we wrap up with a discussion of TRS-80 newsletters, which can be an interesting historical addition to your TRS-80 collecting hobby.”
You can download or listen at
February 10, 2020 – File Formats
Added the Level I Tape Format to the Tape and File Format Page, thanks to George Philips for the information.
February 23, 2020 – New Manuals from Vernon Hester
Vernon Hester, author of the MultiDOS and ESOTERIC DOSes (and other things), has provided some new manuals in DOC format. They can be downloaded from the Software Manuals page
- Astrocal 5th Ed (2010)(Vernon B Hester)[Set 2]
- BASICH Hi-RES BASIC (2020)(Vernon B Hester)
- MultiDOS v5.x and v6.x and Esoteric v3.xx (2011)(Vernon B Hester)
- Zeus 10th Printing (2010)(Vernon B Hester)
February 24, 2020 – New DOS Releases from Vernon Hester
Vernon Hester has released MultiDOS v5.00 for the Model I and III, MultiDOS v6.00 and Esoteric v3.00 for the Model 4.
February 27, 2020 – Updated Manual from Vernon Hester
Vernon Hester has provided a revised copy of his SuperBASIC with Counting Hooks manual. Please re-download if you had previously downloaded it.
February 27, 2021 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 12 set for February 27th!

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk live show is Saturday, February 27, 2021 AT 5:00PM Pacific Standard Time / 8:00PM Eastern Standard Time!
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
February 27, 2021 – – Web Based TRS-80 Emulator

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Lawrence Kesteloot has put up a web site called which emulates a Model III TRS-80 and has some sample software and access to the retrostore.
If you create an account and log in you can store your own software there.
One of the many features to note is that if you are programming in BASIC you can click a button to extract the program to a full screen text editor for purposes of easy editing.
This is the same Lawrence who developed the cassette reader/cleaner utility and web site, located at
Excellent work, Lawrence!
February 28, 2021 – TRS8Bit Page Updated with Table of Contents
The TRS8Bit Magazine Page has been updated to show the table of contents for each issue, instead of just a cover photo.
March 1, 2021 – Magazine Search Page Updated with TRS8Bit
The TRS8Bit has now been added to the Magazine Table of Contents search page.
March 5, 2021 – Create Model I Boot Disks from Tape Data

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In a feat I find to be quite novel and impressive, Jurgen Bussert has developed a program which will read data from a cassette (or WAV) and write a Model bootable disk. This will allow people with no boot disk, but who have an expansion interface, disk drive, and cassette cable, to create a boot disk! His package includes NEWDOS/80 v2.0, TRSDOS v2.3, LDOS, and MultiDOS v1.6S
You can find his web page explaining operation at
Thank you, Jurgen!
March 7, 2020 – March 2021 Issue of TRS8Bit
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Dusty has released the March 2021 issue of the TRS8Bit newsletter. Here’s what he had to say:
The start of our 15th year of publication, has some of the most interesting news and ideas that 40 years ago, would, to many, have seemed like science fiction! Dave Veary shows us his upgraded CoCo. Michael Wessel gives the M1 a voice with Talker/80. E.T. Fonehume shows a surprise feature with the old game of Put & Take and has a “Flying Saucer” to show us. Andy has an adventure with a FreHD and a Model 4P. Mr. Threeplates has addition ROM”s for the Model 1. Ian Mavric sets out the details for the 2021 Competition (see the competition page for full details). He also starts building the Mk2 “Supermicro” and looks at problems and solutions with type II HDA memory.
Harold Finch, once again, stretches your mind. Pascal Holdry needs assistance with various projects. Lawrence Kesteloot shows recent developments on his website. A CGA to VGA item on Ebay might be of interest? Don Bannister has a mystery item, from the day, which he hopes someone can identify. There’s a new feature entitled “Assembly Bytes Back” for you Z80 assembly programers. There”s a quick look at articles, published in the day and finally, there are some Ebay bargain from the last 3 months.
It can be downloaded from Dusty’s web site at
March 11, 2021 – Dates for Tandy Assembly 2021 Announced

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Tandy Assembly is planning on having their annual get-together on October 1-3 of this year!
Details and information can be found at
March 18, 2021 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 13 set for March 27th!

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk live show is Saturday, March 27, 2021 AT 5:00PM Eastern Daylight Time / 2:00PM Pacific Daylight Time!
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
April 4, 2021 – Various New and Different Items!
- Pete Cetinski has released his game RoundUp! for purchase on disk and on tape. He is using eBay for ordering.
- George Philips has written a Model III Game where you try to free the stuck Ever Given from the canal.
- Amardeep Chana has written a Tape-Based Disk Formatter for the TRS-80 Model III or 4. It will allow you to exercise the floppy drives without a bootable diskette.
- Lawrence Kesteloot appears to have updated the command line version of his cassette reader/cleaner utility on April 25, 2021.
- Jurgen Bussert has updated his Tape-Based DOS Maker for the Model I to v4.1. You can find his web page explaining operation at
April 13, 2021 – Catweasel Tools Updated to v4.7
Quentin Barnes has released v4.7 of the Catweasel Tools originally written by Tim Mann.
- Added -C option to cw2dmk for controlling detection of incompatibly formatted sides of a floppy disk. If side 1 is formatted with 512-byte sectors and side 0 is formatted with any other sector size, it’ll assume side 1 was factory-formatted and skip it. Detection of other incompatible combinations may be added in a future release. Use “-C 0” to disable the detection.
- Added new interactive menu. When enabled with -Mi and the interrupt key is pressed (typically ^C), cw2dmk will enter a menu with options. Also, -Me will enable dropping into the menu when the error limit for a track exceeds the number set by -x.
- Deprecated cw2dmk’s -b option introduced in 4.6.0. It had too many shortcomings with CP/M disks. Replaced with -C.
You can download from
April 14, 2021 – San Diego Estate Sale.
While I have NO connection to this at all, just wanted to let whoever might be interested know about an estate sale in San Diego which seems to show a Model 4, among other things.
April 16, 2021 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 14 set for April 24th!

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk live show is Saturday, April 24, 2021 AT 6:00PM Pacific Daylight Time!
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
April 21, 2021 – How to Paint a Model III Chassis

Patrick of Texas Tandy Restorations has posted two YouTube videos on how to paint a Model III.
You can watch Part 1 at and part 2 at
Thank you, Patrick!
May 3, 2021 – Two New Model III ROM CRC’s
The international version of TRSDOS v1.3 for the Model III reports two previously unknown ‘valid’ CRC’s for ROM C: 3BE7 and 10A6. If anyone out there has a ROM C with those CRC’s a dump (which can be accomplished with a BASIC program) would be greatly appreciated!
May 11, 2021 – BOOTSTRAP Updated to v7.6 + Mobile Phone as Player
Jurgen Bussert continues his development of the BOOTSTRAP utility, which now permits people without boot diskettes to create them from a cassette based Model I, III, or 4 system. His page can be found at as can v7.6 of his software.
He has also expanded the cassette player abilities to a mobile phone, so those with a mobile phone and an appropriate TRS-80 DIN plug can make boot disks by playing the BOOTSTRAP input files on a mobile phone. Details on this can be found at (Warning: Page in German).
May 13, 2021 – New DMK Utility Thanks to Quentin Barnes
Quentin Barnes was kind enough to write a utility I had been seeking for quite some time, to be used in conjunction with reading DMK’s (such as on a Cateasel).
Called DMKBSC, the utility runs under LINUX and under MSDOS (just like CW2DMK), and will parse a DMK and advise as to which specific sectors which are bad, if any.
For those who read floppy disks into DMK format, this utility, in conjunction with SuperUtility or other disk mapping software, can tell you what file resided on a bad sector, so you can know what data, if any, was actually lost.
Update: George Philips was kind enough to compile for Windows x64.
May 16, 2021 – PowerSoft Catalog 6
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Malcolm Ferguson was kind enough to scan PowerSoft Catalog # 6 from 1986. To download, click the picture.
Thank you, Malcolm!
May 21, 2021 – New Utility: TRS80-TOOL by Lawrence Kesteloot

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Lawrence Kesteloot has updated, or actually rewritten, his TRS-80 Cassette command line tool to support many new functions. Called “TRS80-TOOL” it is a command-line tool for manipulating TRS-80 files. Current version is v2.04
Although it doesn’t necessarily support ALL possible combinations, it supports the following file types of input and outout: BAS, ASC, WAV, CAS, CMD, 3BN (a machine language program as stored on cassette), JV1, JV3, DMK, and LST (an assembly language listing file).
What this means is that the tool can convert from CMD to SYSTEM format (CMD to 3BN), detokenize BAS to ASCII (BAS to ASC), multiple files into a single WAV (BAS, 3BN, and CMD to WAV), and a disk to a wav (DMK to WAV). Conversion of tape to disk will convert 3BN to CMD.
It can also extract files from WAV, CAS, and DMK to a directory.
The main page for TRS80-TOOL can be found at along with instructions.
It runs under NODEJ, Linux, macOS, and Windows. It can be downloaded from Lawrence’s site at
May 24, 2021 – Model III Power Supply from Current Day Parts!

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Jay Newirth has created a circuit board which will permit a current-day Meanwell power supply to power a Model III.
You can purchase the meanwell supply, the circuit board, and/or the cabling a la carte, or you can purchase the entire set.
May 25, 2021 – Update to TRS80-TOOL by Lawrence Kesteloot

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Lawrence Kesteloot has updated his TRS-80 Cassette command line tool to v2.06.
A new info command was added to give some information about the contents of the input file *AND* it can now output multi-file CAS images.
It runs under NODEJ, Linux, macOS, and Windows. It can be downloaded from Lawrence’s site at
May 25, 2021 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 15 set for May 29th!

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk live show is Saturday, May 29th at 5pm Eastern
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
May 27, 2021 – DMKBSC Utility Updated to v0.0.2
Quentin Barnes has updated his DMKBSC utility to v0.0.2
DMKBSC will parse a DMK and advise as to which specific sectors which are bad, if any. DMKBSC runs under LINUX, Rasperry Pi, Windows x32, Windows x64, and under MSDOS.
THe new version includes Windows x32, Windows x64, and Rasperry Pi versions, but does not change the functionality from v0.0.1.
A Tarball with binaries and with the source of v0.0.2 can be downloaded from
June 1, 2021 – Two Model 4’s Free for Local Pickup (Seattle)
A site visitor has advised of the following availability … free for local pickup:
I have one Model 4 and a Model III in a Model 4 case (don’t ask), plus various manuals and programming books (as well as some random primarily office application software). The 4 has one non-functioning floppy drive. They are located in Seattle, Washington.
I will relay messages (that don’t ask for shipping) sent to me in the order received – email to contest at trs-80 dot com. First come first served.
June 3, 2021 – “Destiny Hunter” – New TRS-80 Game
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Steven Lewis has written a new TRS-80 game. Well, that’s not entirely true. He wrote a game in C that he was able to compile to run on the Pet, Apple II, Commodore 64, and the TRS-80!
The game, Destiny Hunter, along with instructions and downloads can be found at The C source code can be found at
June 6, 2021 – June 2021 Issue of TRS8Bit Released
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Dusty has released the March 2021 issue of the TRS8Bit newsletter. Here’s what he had to say:
Articles in this issue feature, Non-syncing M4 videos, part 2 of building the super Micro – Mark 2 and adding More disk drives on a HD system from Ian Mavric, the Teletype M33 remembered by Andrew Wong, Lawrence Kesteloot”s TRS80-TOOL, F12 Key from E.T. Fonehume, ROM errors by Vernon Hester, Destiny Hunter, running a Model 100 from a USB power supply, drawing the USA flag by Kyle Wadsten, Harold Finch “Stretches your mind”, details of the recent Basque Tournament from Egoitz Campo, VHD, News from France with Pascal Holdry, MakeVHD – for you 8″ guys and Keytronics keyboard repairs from Hans Rietveld. There”s also the usual roundup of, Ebay, “The way we were” and “Assembler Bytes Back” and finally, don’t forget the 2021 competition.
I hope I’ve managed to find something of interest for everyone!
The latest release of George and Peter Phillips”s TRS-80 emulator, trs80gp (version 2.4.3) is just about to BE RELEASED. It now includes emulation added for UNOS booting on the Model 16, a resizable debugging window and “drag and drop” program running. (It still, of course, has the M1 Aculab Floppy tape emulation). This is the ONLY emulator in the world to offer all these facilities.
Full details are available from their website or “page 3” of the latest edition of TRS8BIT.
It can be downloaded from Dusty’s web site at
June 7, 2021 – TRS80GP v2.4.3 Released
TRS80GP has been updated to v2.4.3. Release Notes:
- Drag and drop to run program files.
- 68000 instruction fix has UNOS booting on Model 16.
- Instruction and data breakpoints in .BDS files allow automatic memory protection.
- Debugger resizable and disassembly shows more by using full height of dialog.
- -win command line option works in linux now.
- Crude Orchestra-85 emulation.
- Command line loading of SYSTEM programs turns off cursor before running them.
- Preliminiary cassette I/O in in .cpt (Cassette Pulse Train) format.
- Cassette file mounting breaks out individual files better and crashes less.
- Keyboard ghosting menu option.
Visit the TRS80GP Web Page at for the download and information.
June 8, 2021 – Repairs Page Updated With Tips
Ken Brookner has given permission to put his “General Troubleshooting Starting Points” on the repairs page. For anyone having trouble with their TRS-80, this is an excellent overview as to what to try.
June 25, 2021 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 16 set for Saturday, June 26th!

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk live show is Saturday June 26th at 9PM Eastern / 6PM California
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
July 1, 2021 – Upgrading a Model 4 from 16K to 64K
Maurits van Wijland has documented the steps needed to upgrade a 16K Model 4 to 64K, complete with pictures..
July 6, 2021 – New Downloads
- Scott McBurney has given the OK to make all his TRS-80 software available for download. You can find Scott’s software under the Archive Search Page. Thank you, Scott!
- Richard VanHouten has also given the OK to make all his TRS-80 software available for download. You can find Richard’s software under the Archive Search Page. Thank you, Richard!
- Shawn Sijnstra has dumped some original disks, including David Goben’s Mouse+ and Robert VanHouten’s Mine Field. Since David Goben had previously given permission to make his software downloadable, you can download that under the Archive Search Page. Thank you, Shawn (and David)!
July 9, 2021 – CN80 Added To The Magazine Information Page
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The indexes from Computer News 80 have been added to the Magazine Cover page.
July 10, 2021 – More Media Images Added
Shawn Sijnstra has provided some more diskette scans. Those have been integrated into the corresponding search results.
July 11, 2021 – More Technical Bulletins
Ken Brookner has given me all the Technical Bulletins in his possession (which were in ASCII format). While these are missing any associated diagrams, they are currently the only copy available. They can be found on the Tandy / Radio Shack Memos, Bulletins, and Releases page.
July 11, 2021 – Reminder
As a reminder – if you have books, magazines, manuals, or software which is missing from the archive PLEASE consider sending them in. Thanks!
July 12, 2021 – Advanced Technician Training Class 84-RA7
Ken Brookner has provided some of the paperwork from the Advanced Technician Training Class 84-RA7. It can be downloaded from the Tandy / Radio Shack Memos, Bulletins, and Releases page.
July 12, 2021 – Trouble with Chrome or WordPress or Theme or all.
Update 2: It seems that the theme I use had the font hardcoded in its assets/css directory.
Update: I am converting pages as fast as I can to avoid the “mixed content” blocks, but there is still something wrong. If you come to the site under https:// you won’t get the right font. I still don’t know where that call is …
Previous: I mainly use Chrome and the site is looking awful, as well as blocking some downloads. I have determined that either Chrome, WordPress, my Theme, or some combination, has decided that “mixed content” (https calling http) is now to be blocked. That is knocking out a bunch of stuff, including the font and jquery. For the life of me, I do not remember where in the wordpress theme I set up a custom page header that included that stuff; but hope to find it at some point.
July 19, 2021 – Site Updates
- Added a 3-D Printable Parts page, which has some neat replacement items which can be 3-D printed
- To slightly reduce the site size (both for Mixed Content errors and number of crawlable pages), I have moved all 2019 and 2020 news items to a consolidated page, and added them to the Old News Page
- Noticed that not all of Bryan Mumford’s software was downloadable, so I fixed those links – you can find his software (and manuals, where available) on the Archive Search Page.
- I seem to have never put up a menu link to the Sample Machine Language Routine page.
July 21, 2021 – Site Updates
I think I got all the http vs https out of the way, although there are a suprising number of external sites which this site links to which are not https enabled and others that have gone ‘poof’.
Spent the $10 on the Dr. Link link checker to clean up all the bad links on the site but the cap is 10,000 links and the site has WAY more than that; but at least out of the first 10,000 pages scanned there are no bad links.
July 22, 2021 – Modern Replacement Power Supplies for Model 4P

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“Shadowtron” has developed a design which uses modern components to fully replace the power supply of a Model 4P. Then, Ian Lockhart tweaked the design and Jay Newirth has sourced and built Model 4P replacement power supplies with a separate 12v video line for monitor.
Simply remove then old one and swap all the cables from the old one to the new one. That’s it.
You can find it at the NewSoft Store.
July 23, 2021 – DMKCHK Utility Updated to v0.0.4
Quentin Barnes has updated his DMKCHK utility to v0.0.4
DMKBSC will parse a DMK and advise as to which specific sectors which are bad, if any. DMKBSC runs under LINUX, Rasperry Pi, Windows x32, Windows x64, and under MSDOS.
The new version fixes a few bugs in the reporting of the sectors.
A Tarball with binaries and with the source of v0.0.4 can be downloaded from
July 25, 2021 – More links live
I was going through the site making some page fixes and noticed that I had not made all of the CLOAD and Misosys/LSI/Breeze/QSD/etc publications downloadable. Those have been fixed:
- Vendor Catalogs
- LDOS Quarterly / LSI Journal
- Misosys Notes
- Misosys Quarterly
July 28, 2021 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 17 set for Saturday, July 31st!

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk live show is Saturday July 31st at 2PM Pacific Daylight / 5PM East Coast
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
July 30, 2021 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 17 TIME CHANGE

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk live show is Saturday July 31st at 6PM Pacific Daylight / 9PM East Coast
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information
July 30, 2021 – Site Update
At the initial prodding of Pete Cetinksi, and after a sterner email from Google about mobility, I have fixed the Archive Search Page results to properly display on smaller screens.
July 31, 2021 – TRS80-TOOL by Lawrence Kesteloot Updated

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Lawrence Kesteloot has updated his TRS-80 Cassette command line tool to v2.08.
It runs under NODEJ, Linux, macOS, and Windows. It can be downloaded from Lawrence’s site at or locally from the The Virtual Tape Utilities page on this site.
The new version adds support for multi-file CAS files (such as CLOAD Magazine or Temple of Apshai) and will try to guess (and set, if you want) the starting address of a SYSTEM file.
August 7, 2021 – Magazine Table of Contents Search Page Updated
Computer News 80 Magazine has been added to the Magazine Table of Contents Search Page.
August 10, 2021 – Site Updates
- While probably not of ANY use to people who come here on a regular basis, I realized that there was no “I want to emulate a TRS-80, what do I do” page, so I created one.If anyone spots any inaccuracies, or knows of other information a true newbie would need, PLEASE let me know.
- I have been going through the pages trying to make them consistent. This has reduced the site size by 2MB so far. I am also slowly removing the <CODE> tags, as they don’t wrap and they overflow boundaries.
August 13, 2021 – ORCH-90 Emulation on Lawrence Kesteloot’s Emulator
Lawrence Kesteloot has updated his online TRS-80 emulator to support ORCH-90 in stereo.
You can boot his online emulator with the distribution disk for ORCH-90 at!runFile=upiLZASy3m1urMDEth7H
To test it out, after you boot TRSDOS and run ORCH90 from the command line, enter: N ENTER then 4 ENTER then N ENTER and then G GYPSY ENTER
August 13, 2021 – Site Updates
At the request of a site visitor, the Introduction to Emulators page was updated with instructions to create a virtual hard disk.
Power Supply Update for 4/4D/4P

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Jay Newirth is now selling Model 4/4D/4P power supplies using modern day components! Simply remove then old one and swap all the cables from the old one to the new one. That’s it.
You can find it at the NewSoft Store.
August 21, 2021 – Reverse Engineered Floppy Disk Controllers and Power Supplies
Pascal Holdry continues to reverse engineer TRS-80 parts in order to preserve them. His site is in French, but it has a language selector. His newest posts are:
Floppy Disk Controllers
- Radio Shack Model III/4 Floppy Disk Controller
- MTI Floppy Disk Controller
- Aerocomp Floppy Disk Controller
- Cumana Floppy Disk Controller
Power Supplies
- Model III Power Supply (85 Watt)
- Model III Power Supply (50 Watt)
Thank you Pascal!
Newsoft’s 4/4D/4P Power Supply Updated to v2.0

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Jay Newirth is now selling v2 of the Model 4/4D/4P power supplies using modern day components!
This iteration has the power supplies mounted to the floor of the case, but with only a small board attached to the drive bay. This is particularly useful for those people, like myself, with a Model 4 that has the old style (plastic) drive bays, as there is not enough clearance for Jay’s 4/4D/4P v1.0 power supply to fit.
You can find it at the NewSoft Store.
August 28, 2021 – Site Updates
- The How to Open your TRS-80 page has been updated with step-by-step instructions to open and replace the powers supply of a Model 4P.
- While I can’t seem to override every bit of CSS being injected by wordpress, I have managed to hide enough of it to make the pages on this site somewhat printable – there is just a lot of space before and after.
- I found out that I have a pretty tricked out Model 4 … until I promptly broke it. Then I went to test out a 4P that worked when last powered on, and got “SEEK ERROR” on a perfectly good DOS. Not good luck going on.
August 29, 2021 – TRS80-Tool Cassette Utility Updated to v2.10
Lawrence Kesteloot has updated his amazing TRS-80 Tool cassette utility to v2.10. The change is the addition of a “–entry” option which will permit you to designate entry locations when disassembling a file. Since the disassembly routine logically determines when something is code and something is an ascii string, and shows the string if there is one; there was an issue when a program relocates itself. In that case, the disassembler routine assumed everything was ASCII because it wasn’t being executed. Now, if you get a bad disassembly, you can set an “–entry” option to tell the disassembly routine to start processing that location as code.
The standalone can be found on
September 1, 2021 – September 2021 Issue of TRS8Bit Released
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Dusty has released the March 2021 issue of the TRS8Bit newsletter. Here’s what he had to say:
In this issue, E.T. Fonehume has a BASIC one-liner to run Kaprekar’s Constant. Maurits Van Wijland upgrades a M4 from 16K to 64K in a very detailed article. Lawrence Kesteloot has an upgrade on TRS80-TOOL. ‘Noel’s Retro Lab’ reviews a vintage chip tester in kit form. Ian Mavric sorts out ‘contact fatigue’ on a M3/4 bus and improves a heavy duty power supply. He also concludes his series of building the ‘Super Micro Mk 2’. Pascal Holdry brings us news from France and finds there’s a new type of enthusiast. Harold Finch sets us another brain-teaser. Paul T Metcalf shows a M1 using an MDHI monitor. There’s also details of running trs80gp on a Raspberry Pi 400 (nothing less than a worlds first), a look at some of the Ebay bargains from the last 3 months and there’s a bargain for someone in the ‘For Sale & Wanted’ feature. There’s the usual feature of ‘The Way We Were’ and ‘Assembler Bytes Back’ and to end this veritable “feast-of-fun”, the final details of this year’s competition. It’s a must-read for any Tandy/TRS-80 enthusiast!
It can be downloaded from Dusty’s web site at
September 1, 2021 – TRS80GP v2.4.4 Released
TRS80GP has been updated to v2.4.4. Release Notes:
New Features:
- (WIP) Track dump in Disk Debug (including HFE)
- (WIP) Corvus hard disk emulation
- Raspberry Pi 32-bit (Raspian) and 64-bit (Ubuntu) versions.
- MX-70 printer emulation (-mx70 or -p :mx70)
- Additional views for Disk Debug window including a diskette summary.
- Disk debug window has additional views to show IDAM/DAM and disk summary.
- Linux GTK version added icon for the main window.
New Command Line Options:
- -mmu16 n to control number of extension bits of 68000 MMU (0 .. 3).
- -memgap16 to create gaps of unmmaped 68000 memory.
- -nld to suppress loading lower-case driver in Model I cassette boot.
- -wtfs N to update window title at most every N frames on LINUX
- Authentic mode faster by redrawing only changed lines of display.
- NEWDOS/80 can now format .imd format diskette images.
- Orchestra-85 sound no longer noisy.
- Stop crash when flag register checkbox clicked on windows.
- Have entry point breakpoint of /CMD file loaded under a DOS trigger promptly.
- DREM hard drive loader uses .DSK or .dsk for data filename (Linux fix).
- EMU hard drive blank tracks now same as ext2emu.
- Formatting more than 128 tracks works for HFE and IMD.
- Disk ASCII dump works on Super Utility (removed assert()).
- HFEv3 floppy format will warn and not load (version 3 not supported).
- IMD floppy format correctly reading/writing head/cylinder maps.
- Floppy loading improved to fix memory leaks and allow larger images.
- Memory leak fixes for cut/paste and bus tracing.
- Model I RS Doubler detect modified so Super Utility doesn’t trigger it immediately.
- Bus trace details interrupt status/mask bits for Model III.
Visit the TRS80GP Web Page at for the download and information.
September 7, 2021 – Using an EPROM in a Model I
Matt Boytim has been kind enough to write up instructions for using an EPROM in a Model I instead of the ROM chips which came with the system. They can be found on the new Using an EPROM page.
Thank you, Matt
September 12, 2021 – September 12, 2021 – ZMAC Updated
George Philips, part of the team that maintains the awesome trs80gp emulator has made a small update to his Z-80 Macro Cross Assembler (ZMAC) utility.
You can download it from
September 17, 2021 – New Unofficial NEWDOS/80 Zap
Shawn Sijnstra was kind enough to supply a NEWDOS/80 Zap from Northern Bytes Newsletter which will correct the usage of the CLEAR command.
Unzapped, the CLEAR command does not honor any HIMEM setting. Tony Domigan developed a zap for the Model III which would cause the CLEAR command to clear from 5200H to HIMEM instead of 5200H to FFFF. Using the command CLEAR * will clear to FFFFH.
The added zap can be found on the Unofficial NEWDOS/80 v2.0 ZAPS page.
September 17, 2021 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 18

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk Live will be Saturday September 18 at 7pm Eastern
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
September 22, 2021 – TRS-80-Related Story
Ned Utzig has published a little story involving the TRS-80 at
October 1, 2021 – Tandy Assembly – October 1-3, 2021
Tandy Assembly is in full swing.
October 2, 2021 – New Model III/4 Floppy Controller

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Pascal Holdry has reverse engineered the Model III/4 Floppy Disk Controller. More information can be found at
October 9, 2021 – New Infocom Game Interpreter
Shawn Sijnstra has written an Infocom interpreter for the Model 4 that will allow you to play most v3, v4, v5, and v8 Infocom games. He writes:
New software release: M4ZVM – The new TRS-80 Model 4 player for v3, v4, v5 and v8* inform interactive fiction games (such as Infocom and others) is ready for download, play and feedback. It supports most features you would hope for including timed input, game saves, and transcript printing. 128k minimum. Full source code and binary available – if you do give it a go, let me know how you find it! Finally you can play adventure games like A Mind Forever Voyaging, Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor, Border Zone: A Game of Intrigue, Bureaucracy, Nord and Bert Couldn’t Make Head or Tail of It, and Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels (and many hundreds more) right on your model 4/D/P! Download your copy today!
Full list of credits, features and issues as well as the source and compiled code are in the Gitlab page at
Once you download his executor, you can find the Infocom files all over the web such as at
October 16, 2021 – New TRS-80 Game – Gem Hunter
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Nick Marentes just released a new game called Gem Hunter. Nick writes:
You are the Gem Hunter and you must go down a deep underground cavern, riding platforms and collecting as many gems along the way to achieve the high score.
But don’t stray too far out of view or you will be lost in the cavern forever!
You can see gameplay at
For purchasing information go to
October 16, 2021 – M4ZVM Infocom Executor Updated to v2.0
Shawn Sijnstra has updated his Infocom z3, z4, z5, and z8 executor to version 2.0. Shawn writes:
M4ZVM Release 2 available now for download. Improvements include introducing a disk read cache to drastically speed up games that don’t fit entirely into memory as well as reduce wear and tear on disk drives. Major work was done on the memory map to fold that in as well as include a larger stack for the z-machine. Highly recommend updating for people using either real or virtual hardware. Disk Usage for games that do not fit into memory is a lot more optimal now although enormous z8 games will always be a challenge.
Full list of credits, features and issues as well as the source and compiled code are in the Gitlab page:
October 17, 2021 – Site Updates
A couple of site updates:
- The String Packing / USR() Routines page (formerly called “Machine Language Examples” which was a really bad name for it) has been updated with more information as to how to do graphics string packing.
- The Magazine Search Page has been updated to search all descriptive information for a keyword instead of making you search title, description, and subtitle separately. A search in that field is now also case insensitive. Makes the searching a lot more useful.
- The Software Search Page has been updated to now show media pictures, manual covers, and the like for software which is missing from the archive, if available.
October 21, 2021 – CW2DMK Updated to v4.7.1
Quentin was kind enough to update CW2DMK to deal with a problem I had with a recent set of disks. Updates are:
- Add feature to “-x” option to allow per-track retry counts. (e.g. “-x 40,0:4-12” sets retries for all tracks to 40 except disable retries for tracks 4 through 12.) See cw2dmk man page for further information.
- Correct off-by-one problem with retry counts.
You can download v4.71 including source from
October 23, 2021 – Little Circuit Board to Make EPROM Use Easier
Jurgen Bussert has developed a tiny circuit board for the Model I (which fits inside a closed case) to allow for easier use of an EPROM. His article can be found at
Unlike other solutions, the ROM does not need to be scrambled to use this solution.
Anyone interested in the board should reach out to him by visiting
October 24, 2021 – M4ZVM Infocom Executor Updated to v3.0
Shawn Sijnstra has updated his Infocom z3, z4, z5, and z8 executor to version 3.0. Changelog:
- Bugfix – [more] scroll counter accuracy improved
- Bugfix – Cosmetic fix on status bar/upper window (found on PunyInform games)
- Improvement – Improved the resolution of timed input from 1.0s down to 0.2s this improves zsnake.z5 and bomber.z5
- Improvement – Streamlining some of the core VM code to use word fetches instead of byte
- Bugfix – Fix scan_table routine to check for zero length scan_table
- Bugfix – Fixed rare condition found in PunyInform game Djinn on the Rocks
- Improvement – Improved memory banking algorith to always use as much as available this means games over 320k in size on a 384k machine will always use as much memory as available.
- Improvement – Remapped arrow keys to ZSCII arrow keys for single key read. This means there is no delete now for single character input.
October 25, 2021 – Anyone have XLR8er Utilities for CP/M?
While I am always on the lookout for software which is missing from the archive, we are looking for a copy of the XLR8er utilities for CP/M. The copy which we had seems to be either bad or on a format of CP/M that a WHOLE lot of people can’t seem to extract from.
So if you this on disk (not just from an online resource; almost every online resource is just this archive copied) please contact me.
October 27, 2021 – New Page: Speed-Up Boards
A new page has been added to the site discussing the various speed-up boards which were available for the TRS-80. You can find it here.
If anyone has pictures of their speed-up board, software/disks for controlling their speed-up board, or manuals for their speed-up board, please contact me so I can put them up..
October 31, 2021 – Model III and Model 4NGA Serial Card

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Pascal Holdry has reverse engineered the RS-232 (Serial) Card for the Model III and Model 4 Non-Gate Array.
You can get more information about that at The site is in French, but there is a translate pulldown box on the right.
November 1, 2021 – TRS-80 Trash Talk #40 is Out

Episode # 40 of the podcast TRS-80 Trash Talk is out now.
“In this episode we explain where we’ve been for the last 10 months since the last episode. We then go ahead and discuss the usual news and current events in the world of the TRS-80. We review Tandy Assembly 2021 and welcome George Phillips as a full-time Trash Talker. Then, we discuss a bunch of recent acquisitions. We also review the book “TRS-80 Color Computer Interfacing” and present some new calls for projects.”
You can download or listen at
November 1, 2021 – M4ZVM Infocom Executor Updated to v4
Shawn Sijnstra has updated his Infocom z3, z4, z5, and z8 executor to version 4. Changelog:
- Further speed improvements to core VM (various routines).
- Fixed an issue with screen coordinate conversion (fixed getpos routine, impacted punyinform).
- Ensured upper window now clips text on all rows.
- Bugfix: Erase_window (-2) fixed to also erase upper window.
- Bugfix: Timer code calculation error.
- Changed timer to be 0.1 second. May be a bit ambitious on 4MHz CPU.
- Bugfix: correctly reports a fail when switching to font 2 or 3 – fixes samegame.z5 (for example).
- Change: Set interpreter to be DEC to allow option to play BeyondZork in either mode.
November 2, 2021 – DOSKEY for the Model 4
Michael McCarrick has developed a DOSKEY program for the Model 4. For those who do not know, DOSKEY was a program for MSDOS which would store all of your command lines, and allow you to recall them with the up and down arrow.
DOSKEY for the Model 4 can be installed as a Extended Command Interpreter by copying it over sys13/sys. You would then use *+ENTER to use it.
Source and instructions are included. You can download it from the Search Page.
November 9, 2021 – Web Page for TRS-80 Cassette Decks
Steve Lewis has a web page up which compares and discusses the various TRS-80 cassette decks..
You can find Cassette Recorder Page at
November 9, 2021 – Review of Battle of Zeighty
The Wargaming Scribe has reviewed Battle of Zeighty.
You can find it at
November 22, 2021 – Compactor IV

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Pascal Holdry has reverse engineered the Compactor IV card for the Model III. The Compactor IV permits 80×24 video and CP/M usage.
You can get more information about that at The site is in French, but there is a translate pulldown box on the right.
November 23, 2021 – Using PC/Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone for TRS-80 Cassette I/O
Steve Lewis has updated his Cassette Recorder Page at to include instructions on how to use a smartphone or table for TRS-80 cassette operations.
November 24, 2021 – How to Determine Hard Drive Geometry from CONFIG/SYS
Tim Mann was kind enough to look into how to determine the geometry of a hard drive based on the LS-DOS CONFIG/SYS file.
December 1, 2021 – December 2021 Issue of TRS8Bit Released
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Dusty has released the March 2021 issue of the TRS8Bit newsletter. Here’s what he had to say:
This edition, with over 90 pages, has articles by Matt Boytim, replacing M1 ROMs with a single 27256 EPROM. Lawrence Kesteloot has upgrades to his TRSTOOL program. Juergen Buessert also upgrades the M1 ROMs with a 27C256 EPROM. E.T. Fonehume has another BASIC one-liner dice game. Harold Finch, again, try to “stretch your mind”. Patrick Bureau installs the Alpha Technology 5 MHz M4 speed-up upgrade. Egoitz Campo reports on the latest TRS-80 games tournament in Spain. The “Trashtalkers” announce the winner of the 2021 competition.
Ian Mavric performs a “quick weekend restoration” on a M4 and also shows a “once and for all” fix for some M3 and M4 systems. Tim Mann explains the geometry of a hard drive. Pascal Holdry has some exciting new from France. There is a short report of the Github “Universe 2021”. And finally, there”s various reviews, and news from all things Tandy which are either “from the day” or currently being advertised or promoted.
Also, to celebrate the start of our 16th year, the 2022 edition of one-line BASIC programs is also available.
It can be downloaded from Dusty’s web site at
December 4, 2021 – Night Driver v1.2 by Kyle Wadsten
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Kyle Wadsten has won the Trash Talk Game contest again, this time with Night Driver v1.2.
It can be downloaded from (NOTE: He has named the files DSK but they are DMK format).
December 4, 2021 – TRS80-Tool Cassette Utility Updated to v2.3.0
Lawrence Kesteloot has updated his amazing TRS-80 Tool cassette utility to v2.3.0. This utility is fast becoming a replacement for all other cassette utilities. Recent changes added the following:
- HEXDUMP command to displays a hex dump of the input file, with annotations.
- DISASM command to disassemble CMD, 3BN, ROM, and BIN files (entry point can be configured).
- –verbose flag to info command to display floppy geometry
- SECTORS command to display a table of the sectors in a floppy disk (contents can be viewed as well).
- Support for SCP SuperCard Pro raw flux floppy format.
- ASM command to assemble a program into CMD, 3BN, CAS, or WAV files (baud rate for CAS and WAV can be configured)
- RUN command to run a Model I/III/4, Level 1 or Level II Emulator.
- Support for TRSDOS for Model I and 4, and for LDOS.
The standalone can be found on
December 5, 2021 – M4ZVM Infocom Executor Updated to v7
Shawn Sijnstra has updated his Infocom Executor to version 7. Changelog includes:
- Added support for Infocom v7 Adventures (v7).
- Added support for accented characters (v7).
- Added support for Infocom v1 and v2 adventures (v6).
- Lots of bug fixes and under the hood improvements.
Full list of credits, features and issues as well as the source and compiled code are in the Gitlab page:
December 5, 2021 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 20

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk Live will be Saturday December 11th at 9pm EST.
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
December 5, 2021 – TRS80GP v2.4.5 Released
TRS80GP has been updated to v2.4.5. Release Notes:
New Features:
- Lowe Electronics LS-18 Model I hires emulated (use -gl).
- HyperMEM memory for Model 4 with -mem 256 (or 512 or 1024) or -mem hyper:512.
- SuperMEM expansion memory for Model 4 with up to -mem super:1024 K.
- MegaMEM expansion memory for Model 4 with up to -mem mega:16384 K.
- Emulator extensions can now trigger audio and video recordings, screenshots.
- Easy interface to emulator extensions from BASIC.
- Added watch expressions to debugger.
- Cassette counter and read/write indication in title bar during cassette I/O.
New Command Line Options:
- Added ‘-ik row bits’ for automated control of low-level keyboard input.
- Added ‘-ig’ to dump hires graphics memory.
- Added -dNss, -dNds, -dNas to force floppy drive N to be single, double or any-sided.
- Fixed hires memory debug view and dump.
- Model I TRSDOS 2.3 patched. Pressing BREAK at first prompt no longer reboots.
- Linux version no longer crashes on paste if the clipboard is empty.
- Debug T-States/Cycles treats input as decimal instead of hex.
- Mac version can save cassette output (.cas files) again.
- Fix .bds load bug causing crashes on certain > 256 data lengths.
- Stop right-hand glyph replacment when copying Model 3 Japanese unicode text.
- 8″ drives default to restricting emulation to single or double sided.
Visit the TRS80GP Web Page at for the download and information.
January 2, 2022 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 21

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk Live will be Saturday January 29th at 5PM Eastern / 2PM Pacific.
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
January 8, 2021 – Review of Supreme Ruler
The Wargaming Scribe has reviewed Supreme Ruler.
You can find it at
If you want to play the game, it can be downloaded from the Software Archive Page, and you can download the manual by clicking on the icon of a manual on each line.
January 12, 2021 – New Software
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Joe Scoleri has provided his game GERMAN DUNGEON for downloading. It is an edutainment program for the Model III (not Model I), a description of which can be found at
You can download it by entering Scoleri in the author box of the TRS-80 Archive Search Page
Thank you, Joe!
January 17, 2022 – Newly Designed Power Supplies for 2022

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Jay Newirth has updated his power supply models for 2022.
DIRECT replacement POWER SUPPLIES using modern MEAN WELL power supply components are now available for the following TRS-80 models:
- Model 3
- Model 4 NGA, 4 GA, 4D
- Model 4P
No more blown RIFA’S or cold solder joints
No more video “spasms” when disk drive motors are activated
No more cold solder joints to cause potential problems
+12v supply for VIDEO are ISOLATED on alll models to completely eliminate video “spasms”
Model 3 unit has an ADDITIONAL +5v OUTPUT CONNECTOR and the Model 4 unit has (2) ADDITIONAL +5v OUTPUT CONNECTORS – perfect for powering Gotek/freHD/etc devices
All units are same size and design as the original (except for the 4P) and all units are SIMPLE DIRECT REPLACMENTS. Use the same original power cables that came in your machine
For pricing, photos or more information contact Jay Newirth (newSOFT).
January 20, 2021 – Portsmouth Polytechnic Model I Clone

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I am putting together a page about a Model I clone developed at Portsmouth Polytechnic.
If anyone has any information about this model, please contact me
February 12, 2021 – Hexagon Software OK’d for Download
Bernard J Hughes, author of all the Hexagon Systems software reached out to give me permission to make his software downloadable!
To see the archive for Hexagon Systems, search the TRS-80 Software Archive. As always, any manuals which are associated with downloadable software are also downloadable, and those can be accessed by clicking the little book icon on the side of each entry (if there is one available, that is).
Thank you, Bernard!
February 14, 2022 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 22

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk Live will be Saturday February 26th at 9PM Eastern / 6PM Pacific.
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
February 15, 2022 – DMKCHK Utility Updated to v0.0.6

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Quentin Barnes has updated his DMKCHK utility to v0.0.6. DMKCHK will parse a DMK and advise as to which specific sectors which are bad, if any. DMKBSC runs under LINUX, Rasperry Pi, Windows x32, Windows x64, and under MSDOS.
The new version addresses an issue that if the underlying library, dmklib, catches an error, it stops processing the track, resulting in unreported sectors.
A Tarball with binaries and with the source of v0.0.6 can be downloaded from
February 16, 2022 – Jason Olshefsky OK’d for Download
Jason Olshefsky has OK’d the download of his files.
To see the archive for his files, search the TRS-80 Software Archive.
Thank you, Jason!
February 20, 2022 – DMKDUMP Utility Updated to v0.0.2

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Quentin Barnes has released DMKDUMP utility to v0.0.2. DMKDUMP will display the sectors of a DMK image in both hex and ASCII..
A Tarball with binaries and with the source of v0.0.6 can be downloaded from (in tar.gz format)
February 21, 2022 – TRS80-Tool Cassette Utility Updated to v2.3.1
Lawrence Kesteloot has updated his amazing TRS-80 Tool cassette utility to v2.3.1.
The standalone can be found at
March 5, 2022 – March 2022 Issue of TRS8Bit Released
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Dusty has released the March 2022 issue of the TRS8Bit newsletter. Here’s what he had to say:
Hi everyone, welcome to the start of our 16th year of TRS8BIT !
In this issue – Jurgen Bussert Bootstrap – create a boot-disk from cassette. George Phillips Character “Toggle-Boggle”, M3 and missing characters? Lawrence Kesteloot TRSTOOL Upgraded to v2.3.1. E.T. Fonehume “Do the shuffle.” BASIC at its best. with a prezzie intended just for the editor! Harold Finch Stretches your mind. Another puzzle to get you thinking. Shawn Sijnstra The quest for more adventure. The next “level” for adventurers. Assembler Bytes Back. Is this a pointer for the competition? Ian Mavric. In Mav’s Workshop. M3 & M4 power supplies explained. The way we were. More interesting snippets from the day. Peter Howard TRS-80 cassette wave-forms. A fascinating introduction. U.K. Ebay bargains. were you one of the lucky ones? A welcome back to Kevin Parker and his “Big Tandys” And finally, there’s details of this years “Beauty & the Beast” competition.
A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who has contributed articles.
See you all in June – take care & stay safe.
It can be downloaded from Dusty’s web site at
March 6, 2022 – New Downloadable Software
Joe Scoleri III has provided some more of his software for download.
Both ZIP files contain an explanatory text document.
To download Joe’s files, search the TRS-80 Software Archive.
March 6, 2021 – TRS80GP v2.4.6 Released
TRS80GP has been updated to v2.4.6. Release Notes:
New Features:
- Disassembler window added.
- FreHD images bootable via the FreHD menu as needed FreHD extensions emulated.
- FreHD autoboot emulated. Can set custom boot block with -fred_load file.
- Command line control over keyboard layout, ghosting and auto-de-turbo.
New Command Line Options:
- New -rom1 option to load a ROM into the Model I “hole” from $3000 .. $37df.
- New option -kc shows clustered arrow key layout in software keyboard.
- New option -m4d shows Model 4D layout in software keyboard.
- Can apply FreHD auto-start ROM patches with -frehd_patch.
- Arrow keys on numeric keypad work in Linux.
- FDC emulates head load delays, so file format for Model III PFS:file now works.
- FDC fix to Type I status change after interrupt commands. The TRSDOS-II RESTORE command now works.
- Eliminated spurious wait states on $3C00 .. $3FFF in Model 4 memory map 2+3.
- Corrected Unicode translation of Model III Greek letters Lambda to Rho.
- No more annoying click in Windows when focus changes and mute is on.
Visit the TRS80GP Web Page at for the download and information.
March 6, 2022 – TRS-80 Trash Talk #42 is Out

Episode # 42 of the podcast TRS-80 Trash Talk is out now.
“In this episode, as usual, we discuss the latest news and current events in the world of the TRS-80. We cover some recent acquisitions by the Trash Talkers. We discuss some of the upcoming vintage computer shows happening this year. We review the book “33 Adult Computer Games in BASIC” by David Chance. We wrap up by perusing the April 1983 issue of “80 Micro” magazine, including a discussion of the article “The Muscle Micros” and the hot-rod Model IIIs described therein.”
You can download or listen at
March 6, 2022 – M4ZVM Infocom Executor Updated to v10B
Shawn Sijnstra has updated his Infocom Executor to version 10B on February 3rd. Changelog (since 7) includes:
- Added command line support to select the infamous “Tandy bit”
- Added experimental proof-of-concept support for z6 game files (excludes proper windowing support)
- Added usage instructions
- Many code rewrites to improve speed across many areas. Execution speed is now comparable to Ozmoo on C64/Plus4.
- Optimisation including increase inline code value changes during initialisation
- Re-mapped some of the keys to be more user friendly
- Changed debug to be set as bit 7 on the same flag as “running”
- Added code for the Sonarscope in Seastalker to funtion correctly
- Fixed – cleaned up the de-allocation of @BANK pages, allowing the HYPERBNK drive to work.
- Fixed $verify regression
- Fixed cosmetic issue of screen scrolling in BeyondZork
- Fixed error handling of failed file saves
- Fixed issue with zero-length punctuation list in the parser
- Fixed some cosmetic issues
- Fixed some minor issues (stepped random started at 2 instead of 1, inputing words over 32 character issue)
- Fixed: high memory support, @store on stack
Full list of credits, features and issues as well as the source and compiled code are in the Gitlab page:
March 9, 2022 – SDLTRS Updated to v1.2.22
Jens Guenther has updated his fork of the SDLTRS Emulator to version 1.2.22 on February 6th. Changelog (since I last noticed his update) includes:
- Added 480×192 HRG resolution for LNW80 and TCS SpeedMaster/Genie IIs.
- Added CP/M banking support for some TRS-80 Model I clones.
- Added EG 3210 Programmable Graphics Adaptor for Genie III.
- Added EG 64.1 memory expansion for TRS-80 Model I.
- Added emulation of TCS Genie IIIs system.
- Added joystick emulation with mouse.
- Added joystick hat support in GUI.
- Added key bindings to switch Z80 CPU clock speed.
- Added Load/Save TRS-80 memory in debugger.
- Added Model I ROM patch for auto-boot from hard drive.
- Added P2 key for TCS Genie IIs/SpeedMaster.
- Added Schmidtke 80-Z Video Card for TRS-80 Model I.
- Added some David Keil’s TRS-80 Emulator extensions.
- Added SuperMem RAM and Prologica ROM to state file.
- Added support for EACA EG 3200 (Genie III).
- Added support for EG-64 Memory-Banking-Adaptor from TCS.
- Added support for hard disk images created with David Keil’s emulator.
- Added support for Lubomir Soft Banker.
- Added support for Prologica CP-300/500 16kB ROM.
- Added support for Seatronics Super Speed-Up Board.
- Added UART ports for System 80.
- Fixed Control Key for TRS-80 Model I.
- Fixed directory selection in GUI.
- Fixed fullscreen toggling for SDL2 Software Renderer.
- Fixed HRG1B graphics page.
- Fixed issue #7 “Level1 basic does not run”.
- Fixed joystick function mapping.
- Fixed scaling of HRG1B graphics page.
- Fixed some bugs and other improvements.
- Fixed TRS-80 Selector mode 6.
Full list of credits, features and issues as well as the source and compiled code are in the Gitlab page:
March 10, 2022 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 23

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk Live will be Saturday, March 26th at 5PM Eastern / 2PM Pacific.
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
March 10, 2022 – New Downloadable Software
Jay Lichtenstein has provided some of his software for download.
To download Jay’s files, search the TRS-80 Software Archive.
Emulator Page Comparison Chart Updated with SDLTRS2
With the development of SDLTRS2 moving forward so quickly, and with having emulations that neither TRS80GP nor TRS32 have, I have updated the TRS-80 Emulator page to include SDLTRS2 in the comparison chart.
For people looking to emulate the EG 3200 or Genie III, or for people who need emulation of Dave Huffman’s or Selector’s or EG 64.1 RAM upgrades, or people who want to emulate the HRG1B high-res graphics or the Schmidtke 80-Z Video Card, or people who want to emulate Archbold, Holmes Sprinter II/III, or Seatronics speed-up boards, or people who want to access real floppy drives (Linux Only), note that SDLTRS does all that.
Great work, Jens!
March 11, 2022 – More Jay Lichtenstein Downloadable Software
Jay Lichtenstein has provided some more of his software for download.
To download Jay’s files, search the TRS-80 Software Archive.
March 13, 2022 – M4ZVM Infocom Executor Updated to v11
Shawn Sijnstra has updated his Infocom Executor to version 11. Changelog includes:
- More core speed improvements
- Rewrite z3 status line code to take advantage of 80 character width and improve speed
- z3 status line now supports am/pm and works with the Cut Throats easter egg as expected
- Bugfix on length of unordered dictionary
- Regression fix and improvements to line input and Function key shortcuts (Beyond Zork)
Full list of credits, features and issues as well as the source and compiled code are in the Gitlab page:
March 12, 2022 – Non-TRS-80 Scott Adams Adventures Now Playable
Thanks to a combination of mysterious people who, back in the day, converted some Scott Adams adventures to Infocom Z5 format, and Shawn Sijnstra who has been updating his Infocom Executor, four of Scott Adams adventures which were not made for the TRS-80 can be played on a Model 4
Adventure 14: Return to Pirate’s Island Adventure
This game is as tricky and devious as the mind of Scott Adams gets. A treasure hunt in the same vein as its predecessor, it incorporates some of the more interesting effects Scott achieved using his system. Knowledge of “Pirate Adventure” is essential.
Adventure 41: Buckaroo Bonzai Adventure
Buckaroo Banzai, a neurosurgeon, rock star and more, must try to fix a jet car that can drive him into the 8th dimension.
Adventure 51: Questprobe I: Hulk v1.27
The Hulk gets taken to a surreal otherworld for his testing by the Chief Examiner, and must find a way to survive in this alien environment while collecting a number of Gems.
Adams Adventure 52: Questprobe II: Spidermn
It’s the amazing Spidermn’s turn to be tested by the mysterious Chief Examiner. The offices of the Bugle have been taken over by some of his most famous adversaries, and it’s up to him to get the presses rolling again.
Walk-throughs are available on the Scott Adams Adventure Page. To download Scott Adams Adventure files, search the TRS-80 Software Archive.
March 21, 2022 – John Roach has passed away
John Roach, a key person in the bringing of the TRS-80 to market, has pased away.
You can read an article about John at
March 13, 2022 – M4ZVM Infocom Executor Updated to v11
Shawn Sijnstra has updated his Infocom Executor to version 11. Changelog includes:
- More core speed improvements
- Rewrite z3 status line code to take advantage of 80 character width and improve speed
- z3 status line now supports am/pm and works with the Cut Throats easter egg as expected
- Bugfix on length of unordered dictionary
- Regression fix and improvements to line input and Function key shortcuts (Beyond Zork)
Full list of credits, features and issues as well as the source and compiled code are in the Gitlab page:
March 29, 2022 – SDLTRS II Updated to v1.2.23
Jens Guenther has updated his fork of the SDLTRS Emulator to version 1.2.23. Changelog includes:
- Added Anitek MegaMem card for TRS-80 Model III and 4/4P.
- Added support for TRS-Model III 4 MHz speedup hardware.
- Added SIO (serial port) for TCS Genie IIIs.
- Added TCS Genie IIs/SpeedMaster RAM 192 B memory expansion.
- Fixed TCS Genie IIs/SpeedMaster emulation.
- Fixed boot of G-DOS 2.4 for Genie I/II.
You can download the most recent SDLTRS II from the Gitlab page:
April 4, 2022 – M4ZVM Infocom Executor for Models I and III
Shawn Sijnstra has created release 1 of his INFOCOM EXECUTOR for the Model I and the Model III.
You can get the source and executables from the respective GitHub pages of and
April 6, 2022 – Color Graphic Printer Service Manual
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Tarkie was kind enough to scan the Color Graphic Printer Service Manual.
At the moment it is missing the larger exploded-printer pages 50-53, and should those get scanned, I will update.
You can download the service manual from the Printer Section of the Radio Shack Service Manual Page.
April 10, 2021 – TRS80GP v2.4.7 Released
TRS80GP has been updated to v2.4.7. Release Notes:
New Features:
- Orchestra-90 support (No stereo; mixed to MONO).
- Added menu entry to unload symbols from previous .bds file/symbol loads.
New Command Line Options:
- -haste option faster than turbo but graphics emulation compromized.
- FDC 0xd8 command modified so SuperUtilty boots with Percom doubler.
- Add slight jitter on Model III disk emulation to handle problems with perfect 200ms rotations colliding with 60Hz interrupt.
- Improved display of IDAM and DAM CRC errors in disk image debug tools.
Visit the TRS80GP Web Page at for the download and information.
April 23, 2022 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 24

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk Live will be Saturday, April 30th at 9PM Eastern / 6PM Pacific.
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
May 4, 2021 – Catweasel Tools Updated to v4.9
Quentin Barnes has released v4.9 of the Catweasel Tools originally written by Tim Mann.
- The main new feature of this release is the -R option for cw2dmk. It provides the ability to replay a previously saved log as input to cw2dmk rather than reading from physical media. This will allow users of cw2dmk to pass along strange or unexpected media read behaviors to the maintainers as files without having to mail diskettes.
- Catch errors when writing to files. Report and exit when errors are seen.
- Add -X min_retry feature to cw2dmk, accepting the same syntax for min_retry as for -x max_retry.
- Add QUIRK_IAM to -q option in cw2dmk.
- Add QUIRK_EXTRA_DATA to -q option in cw2dmk.
- Various minor cleanup of code and the cw2dmk usage message.
You can download from
May 10, 2022 – Misosys Disassembler/Exatron Version I Manual
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Stuart Feldhamer, who makes the “Lets Play” videos showing real TRS-80 games being played on his YouTube Channel at, has uncovered a MUCH better quality copy of the Misosys Disassembler/Exatron Version I Manual than had been previously available.
Thank you, Stuart!
May 12, 2022 – Z-80 Replacement for the Model III

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Ted over at Microcore Labs has been developing a modern Z-80, which he calls MCLZ8, which can plug directly into a Model III.
MCLZ8, is a Zilog Z80 emulator which can be used as a drop-in replacement for the original Z80. It uses a Teensy 4.1 microcontroller board which contains an 800Mhz microcontroller and a small PCB to perform the voltage translation between the motherboard and the microcontroller. The MCLZ8’s Z80 emulation passes the exhaustive ZEXALL opcode test suite and the speedy microcontroller allows the ability to simultaneously mimic the Z80’s local bus interface.
You can read about his project at
Some videos of the MCLZ8 in action are at
May 20, 2022 – Software Search Down
I am having some trouble getting the SQL to upload for the Software Search, so that is temporarily down.
May 20, 2022 – Bob Withers Permits Downloads
Bob Withers has given permission to make his software downloadable!
To download Bob’s files, search the TRS-80 Software Archive.
Thanks, Bob!
May 22, 2022 – Reviews and Playing an Undumped Game
- Stu’s Game Reviews has played Alien Attack Force, by Instant Software. You can watch that at
- The Wargaming Scribe has reviewed Emperor. You can read the review at
May 22, 2022 – Model II Free for Local Pickup, Huntsville, Alabama

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A site visitor has a Model II which is free for local pickup only. Says “”INSERT DISKETTE” when powered up.
As always, first come first served. Please Contact me if interested.
Update: Claimed
May 22, 2022 – CW2DMK, MxZVM, and Bill Vermillion
- Quentin Barnes has released CW2DMK v4.9.1. This updated version of the Catweasel utilities adds the ability to modify floppy drive’s step time and settling time from the default of 6ms and 0ms. It also fixed a level 7 logging bug where information can get lost when the DMK buffer is full. Source and binaries can be downloaded from
- Shawn Sijnstra has bumped his MxZVM Infocom Executors by one version with faster code. You can get the source and executables from the respective GitHub pages of,, and
- I have received permission to make Bill Vermillion’s file available for download. Thank you Bill, Jr.
May 24, 2022 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 25

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk Live will be Saturday, May 28, 2022 at 9PM Eastern / 6PM Pacific.
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
June 2, 2022 – Model I for Sale for Local Pickup, New Hyde Park, NY
A site visitor has a Model I to sell to a good home for local pickup only (as Model I’s tend to shatter when shipped). Local pickup would be New Hyde Park, NY (right off lakeville road and Union tpk).
Includes Model I with lowercase chip with decenders, and the Homes speed up with a Z80B, expansion interface, rs-232 card, Orch-85 clone, 4 disk drives, and manuals.
Those interested please reach out to kensperling @ gmail . com

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June 4, 2022 – June 2022 Issue of TRS8Bit Released
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Dusty has released the June 2022 issue of the TRS8Bit newsletter. Here’s what he had to say:
In this issue, Egoitz Campo sends details of the recent Basque Tournament. A brief history of computer storage by Anna and her Dad, supplied by Kelly Ackford. George Phillips sends a one-liner optical illusion. Jay Newirth shows just what and where M3/M4 case screws live. Microcore Labs report on their MCLZ8 emulator. Ian Mavric gives a fully detailed account on repairing the M1 cassette I/F. Paul Thomas Metcalf III has a super upgrade for his M1, using a Gotek. Harold Finch stretches our minds and even I have a go too! There’s an update on the SVI-CAS. E.T. Fonehume sends a VERY addictive one-liner. Don’t believe me? Just try only playing it once! One of Lewis Rosenfelder’s super-help programs features in Assembler Bytes Back. How’s your 2022 Competition entry coming along? You’ve got to be in it to win it! There’s details of an EPROM programmer for the M1/Video Genie. A few of the recent U.K. Ebay bargains and finally, Kevin Parker sets about re-capping a Model 2 in his big Tandy series.
It can be downloaded from Dusty’s web site at
June 5, 2022 – TRS80GP v2.4.8 Released
TRS80GP has been updated to v2.4.8. Release Notes:
New Features:
- MC-10 Emulation
- Memory access breakpoints for 6800, 6803, 6809 and 68000 processors.
- Bus trace for 6800, 6803 and 6809 processors.
- Debug -> Symbol Table to view all symbols from loaded .bds files.
- Unbreak -m4b and -m4c as they were not removing wait states.
- Help in MacOS menu now opens the trs80gp manual.
- Turbo turns off Haste mode and vice versa.
- Cassette image can be ejected and shows currently loaded file in menu.
- Ctrl-A now selects all text in the printer window on Windows.
- Removed spurious FreHD menu from DT-1, Videotex, Electric Crayon and MX-70.
Visit the TRS80GP Web Page at for the download and information.
June 14, 2022 – FREhd Drive Sled

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Jay Newirth has released his improved FREhd drive sled. For information and purchasing, please reach out directly to Jay at jaynewirth at verizon dot net.
June 15, 2022 – Dave Ahl puts Work into Public Domain

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Dave Ahl has posted to his Facebook page that
PUBLIC DOMAIN. This is a public notice that I am formally placing everything that I have written or edited into the Public Domain. That includes material that may or may not have a copyright issued to David Ahl, Creative Computing Press, Ahl Computing, Ideametrics, SBI, DEC, Military Vehicles, Ziff-Davis, or SwapMeetDave. My desire is that this material be used for educational and historical purposes and not for profit or personal gain of others. (I did this years ago, but someone wanted a public notice, so this is it.)
I will be making all Creative Computing and Dave Ahl stuff available for download.
June 17, 2022 – Creative Computing Part 2
In addition to all Creative Computing software (which does not have a secondary author) now being downloadable from the Software Search Page, books and magazines which were Creative Computing have also been made available for download.
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June 22, 2022 – Bob Kozal OK’s Downloads
Bob Kozal has agreed to let his software be downloaded.
His software can be found by searching the TRS-80 Software Archive.
Thanks, Bob!
June 28, 2022 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 26

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk Live will be Saturday, July 2, 2022 at 5PM Eastern / 7PM Pacific.
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
July 1, 2022 – UOLisp Availalble for Download
Dr. Jed Marti, author of UO-LISP for the Model I, has OK’d making UO-LISP available for download! Links are live on the various pages. Special thanks to lambdamikel for scanning the documents and to Paul McJones from Software and for finding Dr. Marti’s email address.
For more context and history on Lisp, please visit
July 28, 2022 – The Forest by Graham T Relf MANUAL/Source Available
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Graham Relf, author of The Forest, which was sold by Molimerx, has graciously provided a PDF with his source code, maps, instructions, notes, etc.
The software is still “Known Missing” and the source code does not appear to be complete, at least insofar as the necessary Machine Lanuage Routines are concerned.
Click the cover to download.
Thank you, Graham
July 29, 2022 – The Forest by Graham T Relf – UPDATED MANUAL/Source Available
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Update: George Phillips was kind enough to type in the Assembly code. I need to track down errors in my typed in BASIC code though …
The manual has been updated to include 4 missing pages, which includes the remaining missing source code pages.
Click the cover to download.
June 30, 2022 – The Forest by Graham T Relf – Available for Download
The Forest, by Graham T Relf, is now available by searching the TRS-80 Software Archive.
As always, click the name to download the program, and the little icon of a manual on the right to download the updated manual.
Note: Source files are included.
August 2, 2022 – Richard Bodley-Scott Files Available for Download
Thanks to an introduction by The Wargaming Scribe, Richard Bodley-Scott has given the OK to have his files made downloadable!
You can download them from the TRS-80 Software Archive page.
August 12, 2022 – Loss to the Family

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The family lost a family member on August 12, 2022. Tori was 12 and will be VERY much missed.
August 15, 2022 – End of NEWKEY/80 and NEWPRINT/MULTI

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Kyle Wadsten has announced that he is stopping production of his NEWKEY/80 and NEWPRINT/MULTI products.
He writes:
Just a short announcement that I am shutting down production of my NEWKEY80 and NEWPRINT/Multi products.
There are a number of reasons for this but it mostly relates to time, costs, and parts availability issues.
I am proud to have been able to provide some “new life” to many TRS-80 owners over the last few years. What started as one-off devices for myself turned into a sometimes-crazy building/fulfilment process that I didn’t really expect.
I do have a couple NEWKEY80/DUO-JOY and NEWPRINT/Multi units left so if you were having any thoughts of purchasing then now would be the time.
Finally, a huge **thank you** to all of my past customers for their purchases and kind words.
Thank you Kyle for your wonderful contribution to the TRS-80 community!
August 19, 2022 – NEWKEY/80 Warning
Kyle Wadsten has advised that he has a report that one of the NEWKEY/80 4-wire power splitters from my supplier had the yellow (+12v) and red (+5v) wires reversed. He believes this to be a unique occurrence but to be safe, but be warned.
August 20, 2022 – M4ZVM Infocom Executor Updated
Shawn Sijnstra has updated his INFOCOM EXECUTOR for the Model I and the Model III to v5 and for the Model 4 to v15.
Changes Include:
- Core code rewrites for speed in : parsing var/1op/2op, encode dispatch, objects, attribute, properties, text buffer, stream3 [M1/3/4]
- Code rewrite for tracking exceptions/errors [M1/3/4]
- Front end rewrite for speed in: cursor, text wrap, cache mem [M1/3/4]
- Increased cache size by 3 sectors [M1/3/4]
- Bugfix: timer routine fixed and scaled for M1/M3 interrupt differences [M1/3]
- Bugfix: transcript support now works [M1/3]
- Enhancement: extra space allows for Border Zone and Shogun [M1/3]
- Bugfix: transcript now properly honours change to the transcript bit [M4]
- Change: accented characters now filtered out in transcript [M4]
You can get the source and executables from the respective GitHub pages of and and
August 20, 2022 – New Service Manuals
Patrick and Matt have provided some missing Service Manuals. They can be downloaded from the Service Manual Download Page
Thank you Patrick and Matt
Year: 1980
Company: Tandy
Size: 413MB
Year: 1980
Company: Tandy
Size: 227MB
Year: 1980
Company: Tandy
Size: 7.5MB
Year: 1982
Company: Tandy
Note: 26-1193
Size: 28MB
August 20, 2022 – Fixed Error on Ports and I/O Devices Page
Site visitor Leonardo Brondani Schenkel correctly pointed out that I had listed Bit 5 of Port 0ECH as being for the Model 4 only on the Ports and I/O Devices page. It is also used on the Model III. On both models, this bit controls video waits. George Phillips was kind enough to explain why the bit is actually not used (only set once) in the ROM, and the page has been updated to cover that as well.
Thank you for the eagle eye, Leonardo, and thank you George, as always.
August 21, 2022 – SDLTRS II Updated to v1.2.24
Jens Guenther has updated his fork of the SDLTRS Emulator to version 1.2.24. Changelog includes:
- Added 6845 CRTC Interlace Mode Emulation.
- Added VideoExtension HRG for EACA EG 3200 Genie III.
- Added Genieplus Memory Card for EACA EG 3200 Genie III.
- Added character set for Meritum I (Mera-Elzab).
- Fixed Virtual Keyboard for SDL2.
- Fixed more bugs and other improvements.
You can download the most recent SDLTRS II from the Gitlab page:
August 21, 2022 – PTC Service Manual
Matt B has provided the PTC-64 Service Manual. It can be downloaded from the Service Manual Download Page
Thank you, Matt!
Year: 1983
Company: Tandy
Note: 26-1269
Size: 2.3MB
August 21, 2022 – New Model I/III Diagnostic ROM
Kevin Trojanowski has let me know that Adrian Black has introduced a Model I/III diagnostic ROM to help in troubleshooting Model I/III systems.
The video can be found at
The ROM can be downloaded from
Paul Thomas Metcalf III mentions that you do not need the adapter board which Adrian mentions if you use a TMS2516 EPROM. Unlike a 2764 or a 27128, the TMS2516 is pin compatible with the ROM socket.
August 22, 2022 – New TRS-80 Emulator

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John Gruver has found a new TRS-80 Model I/III emulator called the HMP TRS-80 Emulator.
The emulator emulates a cassette-only TRS-80 Model I level 1 and level II and the Model III computer. It emulates sound thru the PC hardware and joystick via the arrow keys.
The current beta copy can be downloaded from
Thanks for letting me know, John!
September 4, 2022 – September 2022 Issue of TRS8Bit Released
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Dusty has released the September 2022 issue of the TRS8Bit newsletter. Here’s what he had to say:
In this issue, there are articles from Ian Mavric who reviews the coming Tandy Assembly and goes about restoring a ‘TEC’ Model I service manual. Denise Goodwin and the Stem Club write about Charles Babbage. Egoitz Campo supplies the results of his latest TRS-80 Tournament, held in Spain. E.T. Fonehume and George Phillips produce an unbelievable BASIC one-liner program producing Morse Code! Harold Finch supplies another puzzle just to confuse the ‘little grey cells’. Keith Bedford writes a Hi-Res screen dump for the EG3085 printer. A ‘zap’ for NEWDOS80 and a review of 2 BASIC compilers which were written “in the day” by Don Bannister and Derrick Rowe. There’s a look at some of the more interesting U.K. Ebay Tandy sales and finally, George Phillips shows the current state of play with the entries for the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ competition.
It can be downloaded from Dusty’s web site at
September 5, 2022 – New Model 100/102 Service Manuals
Patrick of Texas Tandy Restorations has. They can be downloaded from the Service Manual Download Page
Thank you!
Year: 19xx
Company: Tandy
Size: 74MB
Year: 1983
Company: Tandy
Note: 26-3810
Size: 9.7MB
Year: 19xx
Company: Tandy
Note: 26-0252
Size: 4.5MB
September 9, 2022 – Tandy Assembly – September 29 – October 2!

Tandy Assembly is coming up! September 29 to October 2 in Springfield Ohio
More information can be found at
September 10, 2022 – Gotek and FreHD Sleds
Jay Newirth (of newSOFT) is selling sleds for Model III, 4, and 4D computers either with or without an included FreHD.
For more information contact Jay at JAYNEWIRTH@VERIZON.NET.

Sep 12, 2022 – New Model 102 and EGM-1 Color Monitor Service Manuals
Patrick of Texas Tandy Restorations has found the Model 102 Service Manual and the EGM-1 Color Monitor Manual! They can be downloaded from the Service Manual Download Page
Thank you!
Year: 19xx
Company: Tandy
Size: 65MB
Year: 19??
Company: Tandy
Note: 25-4035
Size: 54MB
September 14, 2022 – Applesauce Floppy Disk Controller

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For those with a macintosh looking for a way to read actual TRS-80 disks, there is a product called the Applesauce..
Current pricing is US$285 and they can be ordered from
September 19, 2022 – Looking for BREVI-T
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Glenn Emelko, author of “BREVI-T” (a command line abbreviation processor), EXTENT-80, and co-author of AIDS-III, is looking for a copy of the instruction card which came with “BREVI-T”.
The software and manual are both missing from the TRS-80 Software Archive so if anyone has the software, manual, or instruction card, please let me know.
September 24, 2022 – Upgrading a Model 100 with a Microcontroller
John Gruver pointed me to an article about Stephen Cass upgrading his Model 100 with a modern microcontroller.
The article can be found at
September 24, 2022 – Texas Tandy Restorations

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My Model 4 stopped working. It was originally Lance Wolstrup’s, but when he passed away his Widow asked me to take it. It had 4 drives, an amber screen, and some unknown upgrades. Additionally, when I tried to open it up, I ripped out some a wire from an unknown board.
Since diagnosing this was beyond me, I sent it to Patrick at
Patrick got it working, including determining that it had a Seatronic Super Speed-Up Board with 1MB of RAM.
What else was wrong?
- The cable where the HRGC would normally be connected was ripped out
- The left over connector on the 34pin port was broken and needed to be replaced
- A capacitor right had a broken leg (was touching but no longer soldered in place)
- The floppy drive controller cable and WD1793 needed to be replaced
- The PSU had cracked solder and cracked RIFAs
- Loose wire on character generator
- h,i,j,k,l,m and o keys were not working
- Capacitor on one of the drives was broken
- 3 cold solders had popped
- FDC chip 7416 was blown
- CPU was 6Mhz but needed 8Mhz
And of course, he cleaned it. Look at how white it is!
September 29, 2022 – Tandy Assembly – September 29 – October 2!

Tandy Assembly is here! September 29 to October 2 in Springfield Ohio
More information can be found at
October 2, 2022 – Tandy Assembly

Tandy Assembly 2022 had a lot of great speakers. If you didn’t make it, you can see some of the panels on YouTube:
- 2022 Auction at
- 2022 Trivia Contest at
- Extending CoCo BASIC’s Vocabulary at
- History of Tandy Pocket Computers at
- Keynote – Vernon Hester at
- Modern App Development for the TRS-80 at
- The Dick Smith System 80 / PMC-80/81 / Video Genie at
- The RetroStore, TRS-IO and Other Mysteries at
- Using an Oscilloscope to Troubleshoot TRS-80s at
- Vintage Computer Repair / Jeff Birt at
October 6, 2022 – Adventure International Catalog Vol 3 Issue 2
Issue: Volume 3 Issue 2
Year: 1982
TOSEC: Adventure International Catalog – Volume 3 Issue 2 (1982)(Adventure International).zip
Archived Size: 13.549MB
October 6, 2022 – BOOT/SYS Explained
I recently became curios with what BOOT/SYS really does on a floppy disk, particularly since it is a fixed 256 byte code page. For those curious to what it does and how it does it, please visit the TRSDOS v2.3 BOOT/SYS Explained page.
October 10, 2022 – TRS80GP v2.4.9 Released
TRS80GP has been updated to v2.4.9. Release Notes:
New Features:
- Disk drive and other sound effects.
- Japanese Model 1 emulation (-m1j)
- LDOS DiskDISK floppy disk image support.
- .bds symbols and loading works on all CPUs, including the 68000.
- 68000 debugger upgraded to 18 breakpoints.
- Disassembly windows show symbolic names for memory locations when available.
- Memory view windows independent of debugger.
- Orchestra 85 and 90 now play in stereo on Windows.
- Various auto turbo modes now per-model perferences; settable on command line.
- Bus use for MC-10 and Electric Crayon now functional.
- Bus use no longer clearing loaded flag returning it to usefulness.
- Corrected various 6803 instruction timings for MC-10.
- Corvus hard drive emulation improved, added debugger (Windows only).
- Edit -> Copy crashed in Videotex, Electric Crayon and MC-10 graphics mode.
- F12 now activates turbo on linux.
- Low probability .bds file loading hang/crash bug fixed.
- MC-10 implements SG6 display mode properly.
- Model I RS Doubler ignores side select commands which didn’t really exist.
- Model 1,3,4 unmapped printer port bits now correctly float high.
- Model 4 can be set up with 16K memory. Or 0K as if no RAM is installed.
- Slightly green text background for Electric Crayon, Videotex and MC-10.
Visit the TRS80GP Web Page at for the download and information.
October 13, 2022 – Disk-80 Expansion Interface Manual
MLoewen has kindly provided a scan of the Disk-80 Expansion Interface Manual.
Thank you!
Pages: 29
Year: 1980
TOSEC: Disk-80 Expansion Interface Owners Manual Rev A (1980)(MicroMint Inc)
Size: 2.65MB
Publisher: MicroMint Inc
October 18, 2022 – Hardware Manuals
I have audited the Hardware Manuals pages to ensure that everything that should be downloadable is downloadable. This includes Tandy hardware manuals. I also finally figured out how to use the css GRID without necessarily giving a fixed width, so the page is now much nicer than it used to be.
October 21, 2022 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 28

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk Live will be Saturday, October 29, 2022 at 5PM Eastern / 2PM Pacific.
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
November 1, 2022 – Model III/4 Video and Keyboard Replacement

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Matt Boytim is developing a small board which can be used to replace the keyboard and/or monitor of a TRS-80 Model 3 and 4.
The project, which can be found at will permit using a PS2 keyboard and/or a VGA or HDMI monitor.
Matt has advised this is still very much a work in progress.
November 4, 2022 – Lawrence Kesteloot’s TRSTOOL has been Updated to v2.4

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TRSTOOL, the amazing cassette repair utility and format conversion utility has been updated to v2.4.
The standalone can be found at
Changes since v2.3.1 are:
- Added various flags to modify the output which the disassembler includes items:
- –no-labels: Output without creating labels for jump targets and leave the actual hex address instead
- –no-known: Output without creating a ROM label for jump targets and leave the actual hex address instead
- –hex-format: Controls the format of hex numbers, which can be c for 0x12 (the default), dollar for $12, or h for 12h
- –no-binary: Suppress opcode binary from the disassembly
- A repl command has been added. According to Lawrence, this command starts an interactive session for exploring the Z80. You can type an assembly language instruction (such as “ld a,5”) to assemble it, write it to memory, explain it, execute it, and show its effects on flags and registers. This virtual machine is not in a TRS-80 context (it has no ROM or peripherals).
November 14, 2022 – Disassembly of TRSDOS v2.3
As a corollary to the ROM disassemblies, I have added a disassembly of TRSDOS v2.3 (although not SYS5; SYS5 is just DEBUG)
For anyone wanting to see how the O.G. handled DISK I/O, this may be a good place to start. It is accessible from the left menu, broken down by SYSTEM file.
November 26, 2022 – Refreshed Archive
Since I ran out of TRS-80 related projects, I decided to rewrite the program I use to generate the Archive from the ZIP file filenames and a external document which links to images. I had been patching the original for about 15 years, adding features and fixing bugs, and it was a kluge.
In rewriting it, some errors were flagged, which in turn flagged missing images and images which weren’t missing but weren’t linked to show up, etc.
So that in turn gave me another project – make sure all the links were good and fresh. This also brought out a lot more “known but missing software” entries.
Anyway, if you find a bad link in the archive search, please let me know.
December 1, 2022 – Model II in Effingham, Illinois
For a collector only (please), there is a Model II with 3 disk expansion available in Effingham, Illinois
If you are interested and can do a local pickup, please send me an email at contest at trs-80 dot com
December 10, 2022 – TRS80GP v2.4.10 Released
TRS80GP has been updated to v2.4.10. Release Notes:
New Features:
- Snapshot save/load for Z-80 systems.
- Japanese Model 1 can now run BASIC and SYSTEM programs from the command line.
- CLOAD now works on earlier Model I ROM versions.
- Fixed high speed cassette loading that was broken in 2.4.9
- Don’t change default model when attaching a printer or terminal.
- Blank HFE images will set data rate and RPM fields correctly for 8″ drives.
- Model 16 gets interrupt on MMU address faults.
Visit the TRS80GP Web Page at for the download and information.
December 10, 2022 – December 2022 Issue of TRS8Bit Released
Click to Expand
Dusty has released the December 2022 issue of the TRS8Bit newsletter. Here’s what he had to say:
The 2 winners of the 2022 competition were Rowland Archer and Alan Petrofsky. Well done guys with some very clever programing. George Phillips reviews all the entries. Texas Tandy Restorations converts TRS-80 printer cables for use with other computers. Ian Mavric has a comprehensive review of Tandy Assembly. Mar J Blair shows us a M4 adapter board, while Hans sorts out keyboard problems with those ‘Big’ Tandys. Ernst Krogtoft wrote a review of ‘Deathmaze 5000’ and Harold Finch had another ‘match puzzle’ for us to solve. George Phillips spots a little M1 ‘Buglett’ and there is news from the ‘Applesauce’ downloads page. ‘The way we were’ features an article by Leon Heller on speech synthesis and there’s details of a product I’ve never heard of, ‘Solo Load’. E.T. Fonehume has an Xmas wish, which you can see running below! and I check-out some of the recent U.K. Ebay Bargains. Finally, Peter Phillips shows us how to divide circles using curves and there’s brief detail of some ‘new’ developements I found on the net. Another fantastic selection of articles, thanks to all who have contributed. Please keep up the good work.
It can be downloaded from Dusty’s web site at
December 15, 2022 – PS/2 keyboard converter for the Model III/4/4P

Click to Expand
Fred Jan Kraan has released the schematics for a PS/2 to Model III/4/4P keyboard converter that lets you use a PS/2 keyboard on your Model III/4/4P.
The project can be found at
The project requires an Ardiuno Nano v3, a MT8816, a couple of resistors, and headers for the TRS-80 Keyboard / PS2 Keyboard / Power.
There are no plans to built and sell, do this is pure DIY.
December 15, 2022 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 29

TRS-80 Trash Talk Live #29 will be taking place on Saturday, December 17th at 5pm Eastern / 2PM Pacific.
This will be our last show of the year so everyone should plan to share their TRS-80 Christmas shopping list and their TRS-80 New Year resolutions! Please get in touch to receive an invite to the interactive Zoom meeting if you’d like to actively participate. It’s so much more fun to join via Zoom so please do ask for an invite via our email address or social media channels. We will also be streaming the meeting on our YouTube channel for those that just would like to watch. See you on December 17th!
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
December 19, 2022 – SDLTRS II Updated to v1.2.25
Jens Guenther has updated his fork of the SDLTRS Emulator to version 1.2.25. Changelog includes:
- Added Prologica CP-500/M80 support by Leonardo Brondani Schenkel
- Added partial Aster CT-80 emulation
- Fixed Tandy/RS Double-Density Adapter Kit.
- Fixed Warm Boot for TRS-80 Model III.
You can download the most recent SDLTRS II from the Gitlab page at
December 26, 2022 – LazyFont Manual Scanned
Click to Expand
Thanks to Shawn Sijnstra, the LazyFont manual has been found and scanned!
January 4, 2023 – Business Checkwriter
Thanks to Paul B who has scanned the manual (and a number of others)
Note: I do not have the accompanying software yet.
January 4, 2023 – Checkwriter-80
Thanks to Paul B who has scanned the manual (and a number of others)
Note: I do not have the accompanying software yet.
January 4, 2023 – Concrete Take-Off Manual
Thanks to Paul B
January 5, 2023 – Disk Trendex Stock Market Analysis [M1/3 Version] Manual
Thanks to Paul B
January 9, 2023 – Need TC-8 Software
Pascal H is going to attempt to reverse engineer with TC-8, but needs the software to be able to confirm his work. If anyone has the software, please let me know.
January 20, 2023 – LDOS v5.1.3/R Manual
The Tandy licensed version of LDOS v5.1.3/R for the Model I/III Manual is now scanned and available for download!
January 25, 2023 – More Tandy Manuals
Title: Disk Payroll
Year: 1982
Company/Author: Tandy
Catalog Number: 26-1556
Size: 95MB
Pages: 170
Title: Accounts Payable
Year: 1981
Company/Author: Tandy
Catalog No: 26-1554
Size: 38MB
Pages: 80
Notes: As originally issued – With Addendum Pages At The End
Title: Accounts Payable
Year: 1981
Company/Author: Tandy
Catalog No: 26-1554
Size: 39MB
Pages: 78
Notes: With Addendum Incorporated
Title: Profile Model 1 1st Ed
Year: 1979
Company/Author: Tandy
Notes: 26-1562
Size: 18.8MB
Pages: 40
Thanks to Paul B who has scanned the manual (and a number of others)
January 26, 2023 – More Tandy Manuals
Title: Visicalc Model 4 v2.09.02
Year: 1983
Company/Author: Visicorp-Radio Shack
Size: 142MB
Pages: 231
Title: PowerTool v1.00.00
Year: 1983
Company/Author: Tandy
Cat No: 26-2022
Size: 55.5MB
Pages: 86
Thanks to Paul B who has scanned the manuals
January 27, 2023 – Printer Interface Cable Manual
Printer Interface Cable
Year: 19??
Company: Tandy
Catalog Number: 26-1411
Size: 24.7MB
Pages: 12
February 15, 2023 – New Theme
I have had to change the Theme of the site because DW Minion has not updated their plugin to PHP 8.
There are definitely appearance issues and I will slowly work through them. The biggest outstanding two are the page header and the need to set up a menu in addition to the navbar.
Please excuse the apperance bugs while I work through this.
February 16, 2023 – Keyboard Tester
Kyle Wadsten, seller of NEWKEY/80 USB Keyboard/Joystick Interface and NEWPRINT/Multi Virtual Printer Interface, has written a keyboard tester for the Model I, III, and 4 (in Model III) mode.
It can be downloaded at
February 17, 2023 – New Theme
I think I have the theme up and running. I needed to add some more JQuery to fix some shortfalls, and the mobile menu is just plain ugly as heck, but the site is functional.
February 20, 2023 – SDLTRS II Updated to v1.2.26
Jens Guenther has updated his fork of the SDLTRS Emulator to version 1.2.26. Changelog includes:
- Added Sector Size Support for WD1000/1010
- Added Hard Disks (WD) for EACA EG 3200 Genie III and TCS Genie IIIs
- Added Floppy Disk controller (Expansion Interface) option
- Added debug command to modify the ROM
- Fixed Aster CT-80 charset in TRS-80 mode
- Fixed TRS-80 Model 4/4P Video Page
You can download the most recent SDLTRS II from the Gitlab page:
February 22, 2023 – Site Work Continues
The change in the WordPress theme has highlighted the disorganized nature of the site, both in terms of sheer quantity of pages and in terms of internal organization. I am trying to fix that.
February 24, 2023 – Fix to Model III Service Manual
Larry Kraemer has found an error in the Model III Service Manual schematic on page 71. He notes that in that schematic the Capacitors C4, C5, and C6 have their MINUS terminals drawn connected to the Positive Terminal of the power supply.
March 01, 2023 – Site Updates
I continue to try to get the site fully back online. I am down to 239 pages and have managed to clean up any 404 errors on the first 3,000 links (which is the number of free links that the Online Broken Link Checker will check). Updated site map sent to Google, so hopefully all can be back to normal.
Hopefully I can find a way to figure out what CSS is no longer needed. I currently have 509 CSS definitions which is WAY too many.
March 05, 2023 – EPROM to Model I ROM PCB

Matt Boytim has developed an EPROM to Model I adapter (well, two) to allow people to more easily utilize EPROMs.
March 6, 2023 – March 2023 Issue of TRS8Bit
Dusty has released the March 2021 issue of the TRS8Bit newsletter. Here’s what he had to say:
In this, 90+ page edition, Ted Fried run a Model 1 on a ?NABU?. E.T. Fonhume creates a BASIC one-liner time-tunnel. Tim Halloran shows how to run a M1 from a USB A connection. Peter Phillips, Clive Davidson and ML Arnautov have some smart BASIC programing hints. Vince Otten shows us some serious ?string scanning?. Kris Garrien show us his regenerated Genie III. Pascal Holdry re-engineers the TC-8 cassette loader (has any out there a copy of the cassette software for him) and the ?Voxbox?. George Phillips tells a Tandy joke and set the cat running (see below). The new series ?Handy Hints? makes its first appearance. Sarah Libman, very cleverly, sorts out the UK and USA ROM differences and finally George Phillips, in fantastic detail, closes the 2022 competition and announces the 2023 one.
It can be downloaded from Dusty’s web site at
March 08, 2023 – “New” TRS-80 Software
Scott Taylor is posting the programs he wrote for the TRS-80 on Github. He writes:
This is a catalog of programs that I created for my first computer, a Radio Shack Model 1. I still have it and it still runs, although the cassette player it used for storage seized up some time ago. I am still coding for a living today!
I recently found this excellent emulator: Thank you George Phillips for bringing back the joy of those early days.
I have a few printouts of the source code for the games I created between 1978 and 1981. I have never shared them with anyone except a few of my friends. I hope there are a few veterans out there that can appreciate what could be done 45 years ago with 16KB of RAM, a million times less than the computer I am typing this into!
You can find them at
By the way, if you download from github be aware that you MUST follow his instructions. It is an ASCII file despite him putting a .CAS extension and line 30000 is too long for you to load and save it. It must be run from the FILE — RUN menu of TRS80GP.
March 08, 2023 – Foreign Language TRS-80 Microcomputer Newsletter
Patrick of Texas Tandy Restoration has found some non-USA and non-Australian Tandy TRS-80 Microcomputer Newsletters
March 08, 2023 – Repairing a Model 4 Gate-Array Membrane Keyboard

Jim Wildgen has undertaken the arduous task of repairing a Model 4 Gate-Array membrane keyboard!
March 08, 2023 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 31 set for March 11, 2023

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk live show is Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 9:00PM Eastern Standard Time / 6:00PM Pacific Standard Time!
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
March 08, 2023 – TRS80GP v2.4.11 Released

TRS80GP has been updated to v2.4.11. Release Notes:
- Disk Viewer shows sectors in ID order instead of position.
- Sound effects and stereo sound now implemented on macOS and Linux.
- Preliminary Device Viewer added.
- Improved command line parsing; model specifier always takes effect first.
Visit the TRS80GP Web Page at for the download and information.
March 09, 2023 – Site is 404 Free (For the Moment)
Thanks to Quentin Barnes for his assistance, the revised site is now Error 404 free. All links (files, images, external) appear to good for the moment. If you find a missing picture, file, or bad link, please let me know
March 09, 2023 – TRSOS
Daniel Paul Martin has set up a few pages devoted to TRSOS which can be found at
It seems to be some form of software which modifies TRSDOS for the Model 4 to work on a system running a Zilog eZ80. But I have no idea.
If this is of use to you, then there you go!
March 18, 2023 – TRS80-TOOL Updated
Lawrence Kesteloot has updated his TRS80-TOOL to v2.4.1.
This is a minor update just to add the ability to convert raw binary to CMD/3BN.
The GIT for the source and binaries can be found at
March 18, 2023 – NEWKEY/80 “Ultra” for Model III/4

The NEWKEY/80 “Ultra” is now available for purchase from Plaid Vest Software. It is a USB keyboard and joystick adapter for the TRS-80 Model III/4. Features include:
- Compatible with most standard USB keyboards
- Also works with wireless 2.4Ghz USB keyboards (Note: Wireless keyboards need to be the “no drivers required” 2.4Ghz type)
- Atari compatible 9-pin joystick port. (Note: A common 9-pin D-Sub or Atari joystick extension cable (not included) can be used in a similar fashion to route the joystick connector outside of the TRS-80 case)
- Compact size. Mounts inside TRS80 case. (Note: Requires +5v and ground connections, a 4-pin Molex Disk Drive power splitter cable, and a plain 2-wire power connector; all of which are included)
- Can work simultaneously with existing keyboard
- Fast and accurate key response without keybounce or ghost characters
- Native TRS-80 key repeat
- Handles special keys independently (arrows, space, control, break, shift, @) for excellent compatibility
- Works great with games and applications
- Supports TRS80 control and multi-key sequences
- Easily upgradable firmware to allow for enhancements and bug fixes
Visit for more details and for ordering.
March 18, 2023 – NEWPRINT/Multi for TRS-80

The NEWPRINT/Multi is now available for purchase from Plaid Vest Software. It is a Virtual Wi-Fi printer with web-browser output for all TRS-80 models. Features Include:
- NEWPRINT/Multi is a Wi-Fi-enabled “virtual” printer adapter that connects to your computer’s printer port and your local Wi-Fi network to send printer output to any device that supports a modern browser (iPad, Desktop PC, Mac, etc.).
- The NEWPRINT web interface can show printer output as plain text, hexadecimal values, Print Shop graphics (Apple II), or Apple IIgs GS/OS graphics printing.
- Text mode output does not (currently) understand special printer control codes used by most word processors (BOLD, multiple font sizes, Form Feed, etc.).
- The NEWPRINT web interface is available from any browser on your local Wi-Fi network at newprint.local
- NEWPRINT uses the standard HTML WebSocket API so you can even write your own web-based or desktop interface for displaying and processing NEWPRINT output.
- Note: A power adapter (+5v DC) and printed User’s Manual are not included to keep prices low. See the PDF User’s Manual below for more information.
Visit for more details and for ordering.
March 24, 2023 – XROM Disassembled
Frank Durda IV had developed a ROM C which he proposed to have Tandy issue as an update. It added functionality and fixed some bugs. That ROM was not released.
When Frank left Tandy and started M.A.D. sofware, he offered a ROM C replacement for U.S. Model 4’s, called the XROM. Model 4 NGA systems would use this ROM. Other Model 4 systems could use an expanded version called the XDROM, which had some diagnostic code added as well.
A detailed disassembly of that ROM is now available on this sites’ Model 4 ROM Explained- XDROM page.
March 23, 2023 – Dates for Tandy Assembly 2023 Announced

Tandy Assembly is planning on having their annual get-together on September 29-October 1 of 2023 in Springfield, Ohio.
Details and information can be found at
March 29, 2023 – Ken B Smith OK’s Downloads
Battle of Britain
Ken B Smith, author of Battle of Britain and other software, reached out to let me know he is happy to permit downloads.
Thank you Ken!
April 02, 2023 – D Part of XDROM Disassembled
While Frank Durda IV developed his custom aftermarket ROM, XROM, he used the extra space in a 16K ROM to add a diagnostic ROM. That ROM is invisible to the system unless a jumper is used.
A detailed disassembly of the diagnostip portion of the XROM is now available on this sites’ Model 4 ROM Explained – XDROM – Diagnostic Part page.
April 02, 2023 – New TRS-80 Games
The site had some new (2022) TRS-80 games, but they were all non-working for one reason or another.
Shawn Sijnstra took the time to rework those files so that they will run in a Model I emulator.
April 04, 2023 – New Unofficial Newdos/80 Zaps
While going through a set of disks I recently read, I came across some additional unofficial NEWDOS/80 v2.0 zaps.
They include changing the exit command from EDTASM from a B to a Q, changing the modify cursor in SuperZap to something FAR more friendly, changing the BASIC2 command to LEVEL2, and move.
You can find them on the Unofficial Newdos/80 v2.0 Zap Page.
April 12, 2023 – SDLTRS II Updated to v1.2.27
Jens Guenther has updated his fork of the SDLTRS Emulator to version 1.2.27. Changelog includes:
- Added command line option for Disk- and I/O ports debug flags.
- Added command line option for SDL2 window aspect ratio.
- Fixed several crashes of the emulator (reported by Fritz Chwolka).
- Fixed SDH register for WD1000/1010.
- Fixed some bugs and internal improvements.
You can download the most recent SDLTRS II from the Gitlab page:
April 18, 2023 – TRSDOS v1.3 Disassembly
I have started the TRSDOS v1.3 disassembly project, with BOOT/SYS.
May 03, 2023 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 32 set for May 6, 2023

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk live show is Saturday, May 6, 2023 09:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
May 10, 2023 – Script Word Processing by David Goben
@lowen has found Script Word Processing by David Goben.
We do not yet have the software!
May 24, 2023 – Site Updates
I haven’t listed any site updates, but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been working on the site.
- I have cleaned up every page to give the site a more uniform look. This came from my realization that the site’s CSS code was out of control, so I simplified the layouts and reformatted the pages.
- A main page for TRSDOS related items has been created, since there are tips and tricks, zaps, patches, manuals, and whatnot all over the place.
- Continued working on the TRSDOS v1.3 disassembly. The thing that has struck me the most out of the first 4 overlays is that TRSDOS v1.3 has double sided disk support baked in, but it just wasn’t finalized or implemented.
- An Audio Manuals page has been added, with various Scripsit and SuperScripsit audio lessons.
May 27, 2023 – Site Update
To really understand the TRSDOS v1.3 disassemblies, I realized that an explanation of the Directory Track (GAT Sector, HIT Sector, Directory Entries, and Overlay Locations) and the FCB is probably needed; so a new page devoted to those things has been added.
June 2, 2023 – New Service Manual – CCR-81
Doug M was kind enough to provide a scan of the CCR-81 Cassette Recorder Service Manual.
Year: 19xx
Company: Tandy
Note: 26-1208
Size: 14.7MB
June 5, 2023 – June 2023 Issue of TRS8Bit
Dusty has released the June 2021 issue of the TRS8Bit newsletter. Here’s what he had to say:
There’s some really exciting news from within the 80 pages, not the least of which is the major upgrade to trs80gp. On top of that, thanks to George Phillips, there’s details of the enhancement to Level 2 BASIC for both cassette and Aculab users. (Disk users eat your heart out!). We’ve a super selection of one-liners from Patrick @ TTR and E.T. Fonehume. A report of the recent Basque TRS-80 competition from Egoitz Campo. Vince Otten show some software tools for BASIC. Geoffrey Hinton gives a warning on A.I. Pascal Holdry is working vary hard in France, re-creating VID-80 boards. N.J.A. Sloane (OEIS) foundation, looks at integer sequences. Mav makes a most welcome return with 3 articles, a M1 FreHD with a joystick, 1st timers at TA and running a Co-Co3 on 240 volts. And finally, there’s our regular features of ‘The Way We Were’, News from Ebay, At the READY prompt and ‘Handy Hints’, together with the 2023 competition details.
It can be downloaded from Dusty’s web site at
June 5, 2023 – TRS80GP v2.5.0 Released

TRS80GP has been updated to v2.5.0 which now includes CoCo 1 Emulation! Release Notes:
New Features:
- Added Color Computer I emulation.
- Added -nrs to suppress loading of built-in symbols.
- Debugger window title shows running/stopped and reason for stoppage.
- Device viewer can execute until value changes and show elapsed time/cycles.
- Joystick support for MacOS.
- Soft capslock (-ks) for Model 2 + 12; on by default if running TRS-DOS.
Bug Fixes:
- Border colour preference was not being saved.
- Electric Crayon CPU speed corrected; was running much too quickly.
- File → Unload Symbols functional again; it was almost always greyed out.
- Fix linux crash when starting with mute on in preferences.
- MC-10 audio is no longer corrupted after a reset.
- MC-10 Cassette menu now showing tape position at end after a load.
- Model 3 ROM RS-232 init routine will now initialize it on the first call.
- Stop Model 3 EDTASM from DDOOUUBBLLIINNGG characters in printouts.
Visit the TRS80GP Web Page at for the download and information.
June 8, 2023 – SYS6 of TRSDOS v1.3 Disassembly
SYS06/SYS of TRSDOS v1.3 has been disassembled and commented.
June 14, 2023 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 33 set for June 17, 2023

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk live show is Saturday, June 17, 2023 at 2:00PM Pacific Daylight Time!
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
June 16, 2023 – SYS7 of TRSDOS v1.3 Disassembly
SYS07/SYS of TRSDOS v1.3 has been disassembled and commented.
June 17, 2023 – Computer Group Newsletters
The Computer User Group Page has been redone. I am currently adding NATGUG issues provided by Dusty.
June 18, 2023 – SYS8 of TRSDOS v1.3 Disassembly
SYS08/SYS of TRSDOS v1.3 has been disassembled and commented. .
June 19, 2023 – Computer Group Newsletters – NATGUG
Dusty has scanned the missing Volume 1 of the NATGUG Newslettes. They can be downloaded here. Thank you Dusty!
If anyone out there has Computer Group Newsletters which are not shown, please consider scanning them!
June 24, 2023 – Computer Group Newsletters – NATGUG Vol 2
Dusty has scanned the missing Volume 2 of the NATGUG Newslettes. They can be downloaded here. Thank you Dusty!
If anyone out there has Computer Group Newsletters which are not shown, please consider scanning them!
June 28, 2023 – SYS9 of TRSDOS v1.3 Disassembly
SYS09/SYS of TRSDOS v1.3, which handles the library commands COPY, DUAL, FORMS, KILL, MASTER, PATCH, RELO, ROUTE, SETCOM, and WP, has been disassembled and commented. It can be found here and the entire TRSDOS v1.3 disassembly project to date can be found here.
June 29, 2023 – Site Updates
- SYS10/SYS of TRSDOS v1.3, which handles the DISPLAY DIRECTORY routine as well as the BASIC Error Messages, has been disassembled and commented. It can be found here and the entire TRSDOS v1.3 disassembly project to date can be found here.
- Dusty has scanned the missing Volume 3 of the NATGUG Newslettes. They can be downloaded here. Thank you Dusty!
- While Dusty has scanned volume 4 as well, I already had such so I will not be using his copy. Two issues which had missing pages (Vol 4 Issues 3 9), though, are now complete!
July 4, 2023 – Model 100 + Printer – Free for Local Pickup ONLY – Orlando Florida
UPDATE: Claimed
A site visitor has the below equipment, free to a good home but LOCAL PICKUP ONLY; no shipping. Orlando, Florida area.
First come first served; will pass on in the order received. You can email me at contest at TRS-80 dot com. I will take this down at my first opportunity after hearing from someone; but if I’m at a BBQ it may take some time!

July 13, 2023 – Site Updates
- SYS10/SYS of TRSDOS v1.3, which handles the DISPLAY DIR ($DSPDIR) and BASIC Error Messages, has been disassembled and commented. It can be found here and the entire TRSDOS v1.3 disassembly project to date can be found here.
- SYS11/SYS of TRSDOS v1.3, which handles the library commands TAPE, PURGE, and LIST, has been disassembled and commented. It can be found here and the entire TRSDOS v1.3 disassembly project to date can be found here.
- SYS12/SYS of TRSDOS v1.3, which handles the COMPRESS and RENUMBER functions, has been disassembled and commented. It can be found here and the entire TRSDOS v1.3 disassembly project to date can be found here.
- Dusty has scanned the missing Vol 10 Iss 08 of the National Amstrad Tandy and General User Group newsletter.
- Dusty has scanned the missing Volumes 04 and 05 of the National Amstrad Tandy and General User Group newsletter.
- Quentin has scanned some hardware and software manuals
Expansion Interface Schematic Check Print
Year: 1978
Company: Tandy
Cat: 26-1140
Size: 762,985
Pages: 4
Quick Printer Technical Manual
Year: 1978
Company: Centronics
Cat: 26-1153
Notes: Review Copy – Set 1
Size: 11,541,782
Pages: 112
Quick Printer Technical Manual
Year: 1978
Company: Centronics
Cat: 26-1153
Notes: Review Copy – Set 2
Size: 12,011,030
Pages: 108
RS-232-C Interface Owners Technical Manual
Year: 19xx
Company: Tandy
Cat: 26-1145
Notes: Draft Copy
Size: 5,336,876
Pages: 52
General Ledger I
Year: 1978
Company: Radio Shack
Cat: 26-1552
Size: 7,941,605
Pages: 76
July 14, 2023 – Additional Technical Documents
Quentin has scanned some technical bulletins and memos. Thank you, Quentin!
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1983
Size: 3,300,393
Pages: 4
Notes: [TCE Video Board and 12MB HD Interface Board]
Company: Tandy
Year: 1986
Size: 2,237,323
Pages: 4
Notes: [Bulletins 01-03][Set 2]
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1987
Size: 9,286,181
Pages: 34
Notes: [Bulletins 01-13 and 19-31]
File Format: PDF
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1986
Size: 5,503,273
Pages: 10
Notes: [Bulletins 01-06 and 08-09]
File Format: PDF
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1986
Size: 3,922,013
Pages: 6
Notes: [Bulletins 01-03][Set 2][1986-04-03]
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1987
Size: 1,699,756
Pages: 22
Notes: [Bulletins 01-09 and 11-16]
Format: PDF
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1987
Size: 3,929,292
Pages: 7
Notes: [Bulletins 01-04]
Format: PDF
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1986
Size: 1,836,489
Pages: 4
Notes: [Bulletins 01-02][Set 2][1986-04-03]
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1986
Size: 1,477,767
Pages: 3
Notes: [Bulletin 01]
File Format: PDF
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1986
Size: 4,710,509
Pages: 10
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1993
Size: 6,709,103
Pages: 10
Notes: [Bulletins 01-03 and 5][PDF]
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1982
Size: 477,188
Pages: 1
Notes: [Patch to TDC and FDCALG on AXX-2034]
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1983
Size: 5,672,220
Pages: 6
Notes: [Arcnet Installation and Schematics]
Company: Tandy
Year: 1986
Size: 1,947,730
Pages: 3
Notes: [Memory Upgrade Instructions]
July 15, 2023 – NATGUG Newsletters Volume 7-9
Dusty has scanned NATGUG Newsletter volumes 7, 8, and 9. Thank you, Dusty!
Issue: Vol 07 Iss 01
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1985
Size: 20,572,985
Pages: 30
Issue: Vol 07 Iss 02
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1985
Size: 22,853,796
Pages: 32
Issue: Vol 07 Iss 03
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1985
Size: 10,731,919
Pages: 16
Issue: Vol 07 Iss 04
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1985
Size: 12,639,932
Pages: 18
Issue: Vol 07 Iss 05
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1985
Size: 21,106,017
Pages: 28
Issue: Vol 07 Iss 06
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1985
Size: 23,556,249
Pages: 32
Issue: Vol 07 Iss 07
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1986
Size: 23,994,099
Pages: 31
Issue: Vol 07 Iss 08
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1986
Size: 12,144,161
Pages: 18
Issue: Vol 07 Iss 08
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1986
Size: 12,556,963
Pages: 18
Issue: Vol 07 Iss 09
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1986
Size: 17,834,463
Pages: 22
Issue: Vol 07 Iss 10
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1986
Size: 17,482,245
Pages: 24
Issue: Vol 07 Iss 11
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1986
Size: 20,527,862
Pages: 24
Issue: Vol 07 Iss 12
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1986
Size: 17,112,288
Pages: 24
Issue: Vol 08 Iss 01
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1986
Size: 20,599,008
Pages: 30
Issue: Vol 08 Iss 02-03
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1986
Size: 15,713,139
Pages: 20
Issue: Vol 08 Iss 04-05
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1986
Size: 13,620,473
Pages: 22
Issue: Vol 08 Iss 06
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1986
Size: 17,019,965
Pages: 23
Issue: Vol 08 Iss 07
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1987
Size: 15,792,813
Pages: 20
Issue: Vol 08 Iss 08-09
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1987
Size: 15,131,395
Pages: 19
Issue: Vol 08 Iss 10
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1987
Size: 12,718,381
Pages: 24
Issue: Vol 08 Iss 11-12
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1987
Size: 22,170,694
Pages: 32
Issue: Vol 09 Iss 01
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1978
Size: 44,439,843
Pages: 60
Issue: Vol 09 Iss 02
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1978
Size: 32,011,708
Pages: 44
Issue: Vol 09 Iss 03
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1978
Size: 26,580,634
Pages: 36
Issue: Vol 09 Iss 04
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1978
Size: 47,414,822
Pages: 68
Issue: Vol 09 Iss 05
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1978
Size: 31,291,090
Pages: 44
Issue: Vol 09 Iss 06
Publisher: NATGUG
Year: 1978
Size: 22,355,373
Pages: 28
July 17, 2023 – TRSDOS v1.3 System File Disassembly Project is Complete.
The TRSDOS v1.3 system file disassembly is now posted here.
While I have learned a great deal over the project, and a lot more than I knew when I did the Model I ROM, Model III ROM, TRSDOS v2.3, or even the earlier Overlay of TRSDOS v1.3, I don’t think I am going to go back and redo those pages. If I ever spot an error, or something that can be clarified, I will update accordingly.
July 19, 2023 – TBBS v1.3 User Manual.
Tarkie has scanned the TBBS v1.3 User Manual.
It can be downloaded by clicking the cover.
Thank you Tarkie!
July 24, 2023 – Additional SYDTRUGS from Leslie Ayling
Leslie Ayling has found and scanned some early SYDTRUG newsletters!
Issue: Vol 0x Iss 0x
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1982
Size: 193,160
Pages: 4
Issue: 1982-10
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 0x Iss 0x
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1982
Size: 205,560
Pages: 6
Issue: 1982-11
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 0x Iss 0x
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1982
Size: 117,318
Pages: 1
Issue: 1982-12
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 0x Iss 0x
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1983
Size: 108,251
Pages: 2
Issue: 1983-02
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 0x Iss 0x
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1983
Size: 213,067
Pages: 6
Issue: 1983-04
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 04 Iss 01
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1983
Size: 279,981
Pages: 14
Issue: 1983-09
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 04 Iss 02
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1983
Size: 159,795
Pages: 8
Issue: 1983-10
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 04 Iss 03
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1983
Size: 206,367
Pages: 8
Issue: 1983-11
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 04 Iss 04
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1983
Size: 147,787
Pages: 6
Issue: 1983-12
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 04 Iss 05
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1984
Size: 269,996
Pages: 10
Issue: 1984-01
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 04 Iss 06
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1984
Size: 131,905
Pages: 6
Issue: 1984-02
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 04 Iss 07
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1984
Size: 242,973
Pages: 11
Issue: 1984-03
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 04 Iss 08
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1984
Size: 255,118
Pages: 10
Issue: 1984-04
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 04 Iss 09
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1984
Size: 526,934
Pages: 12
Issue: 1984-05
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 04 Iss 10
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1984
Size: 337,000
Pages: 14
Issue: 1984-06
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 04 Iss 11
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1984
Size: 226,408
Pages: 10
Issue: 1984-07
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 04 Iss 12
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1984
Size: 251,909
Pages: 12
Issue: 1984-08
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 05 Iss 01
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1984
Size: 344,426
Pages: 12
Issue: 1984-09
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Issue: Vol 05 Iss 04
Publisher: Sydtrug
Year: 1984
Size: 556,913
Pages: 16
Issue: 1984-12
NOTE: Bitmap Scan
Thank you Leslie!
July 25, 2023 – New Scans from Quentin
Quentin has been diligently scanning. Here are the new items:
Publisher: R W Hunter
Year: 1980
Size: 5,654,318
Pages: 3
Notes: [1980-07]
Publisher: James Fuller Williams
Year: 1979
Size: 24,423,628
Pages: 20
Publisher: Dave Stambaugh
Year: 1981
Size: 23,447,091
Pages: 16
Publisher: Aerocomp
Year: 1981
Size: 8,344,851
Pages: 8
Publisher: Lynx
Year: 19xx
Size: 4,408,699
Pages: 2
Publisher: Programma International
Year: 1980
Size: 5,187,818
Pages: 5
Thank you Quentin!
July 26, 2023 – New Scans from Quentin
Quentin has continued to scan:
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 19xx
Size: 8,347,255
Pages: 8
Notes: 26-1120
Publisher: Instant Software
Year: 1979
Size: 5,080,858
Pages: 25
Notes: IS0081R
Publisher: Allen Gelder
Year: 1980
Size: 8,213,770
Pages: 20
Publisher: Alan Gelder
Year: 1979
Size: 2,109,866
Pages: 8
Publisher: W4UCH
Year: 1979
Size: 7,844,599
Pages: 7
Thank you Quentin!
July 27, 2023 – Electric Webster v1.7 2nd Revision
Tarkie has provided a new scan:
Publisher: Cornucopia Software Inc
Year: 1984
Size: 70,652,606
Pages: 146
Thank you Tarkie!
July 27, 2023 – TRS-80 Model I Microcomputer System Start-Up
Quentin has provided a new scan:
Publisher: Radio Shack
Year: 1980
Size: 7,033,235
Pages: 2
Notes: [26-2106]
Thank you Quentin!
July 28, 2023 – 12MB Hard Drive Manuals
Pascal Holdry has scanned a few 12MB Hard Drive Manuals:
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1982
Size: 712,197
Pages: 56
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1983
Size: 20,565,393
Pages: 285
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1983
Size: 2,837,779
Pages: 77
Thank you Pascal!
July 29, 2023 -Lynx Telephone Linkage System
Quentin has provided a new scan:
Publisher: Emtrol Systems Inc
Year: 19xx
Size: 29,493,502
Pages: 14
Thank you Quentin!
August 9, 2023 – Molimerx TRS-80 Catalog
Title: Molimerx TRS-80 and Genie Software Catalog
Publisher: Molimerx LTD
Year: 1984
Size: 421,585,394
Pages: 206
August 9, 2023 – Update to Software Archive Search Page
So … that Molimerx catalog is something, isn’t it. It’s not so much a catalog in my view (because there are no prices except for the last 3 pages) and more of a product guide, albeit one which rarely identifies the author.
To the extent that a catalog entry can be matched to software, I plan on breaking out the product descriptions into viewable JPGs. Those will appear on the Archive Search page with a little speech bubble …
To see one in action you can search either for Monitor 3 or Mysterious Adventure.
August 10, 2023 – Model 4P Free for Local Pickup ONLY
UPDATE: Claimed
A site visitor has a Model 4 that turns on and the drive runs, but has no way to test operation without disks. It is free to a good home but LOCAL PICKUP ONLY; no shipping. North Dallas area.
First come first served; will pass on in the order received. You can email me at contest at TRS-80 dot com.
August 17, 2023 – Dale Kubler OK’s downloads
Dale Kubler reached out to let me know it was ok to make his work downloadable!
To see Dale’s work, and to download as you see fit, search the TRS-80 Software Archive for Kubler in the Author field.
Thank you, Dale!
August 20, 2023 – SDLTRS II Updated to v1.2.28
Jens Guenther has updated his fork of the SDLTRS Emulator to version 1.2.28. Changelog includes:
- Added XTRS feature to fake year for TRS-80 clock-of-day.
- Added 5″ / 8″ disk size switch for Percom doubler and clones.
- Added debug commands to load and save the emulator state.
- Added option to set the action for Z80 HALT instruction.
- Added option to pause the emulator at startup.
- Fixed 6845 CRTC cursor redraw issues.
- Fixed bugs in mouse selection.
- Fixed AlphaTech SuperMem 32K bank switch.
- Fixed loading of state file for TRS-80 clones.
- Fixed more bugs and internal improvements.
You can download the most recent SDLTRS II from the Gitlab page: and remember to download SDL (links on the Github page). If you are just looking for the Windows x64 copy, you can download a combined executable/source/SDL v2 package here.
August 23, 2023 – BOOT/SYS of Model I NEWDOS/80 v2.0 Disassembled
A commented disassembly of BOOT/SYS of NEWDOS/80 v2.0 for the Model I has been added.
As noted on the page, two things really struck me about how that sector was programmed. The first, is that it was broken into different parts – one which handled DISK I/O (including polling the FDC and reading data) and one which used the data which was read. By handling it this way, Cliff simply used the EXX command to swap out the registers wholesale, depending on which set of routines he was using. With this, he only used the PUSH command 3 times in the entire routine! The other thing was that since the Model I has a memory location for accessing the Floppy Disk Controller instead of ports, manipulation and testing of the controller data could be done in 1 opcode instead of 2.
August 25, 2023 – Shout outs
A special thanks to Eric Dittman and to Blair Robbins for providing corrections to my commented disassembly of BOOT/SYS of NEWDOS/80 v2.0 for the Model I.
Thank you both for helping keep the site’s information accurate!
August 26, 2023 – Scott Taylor releases another game
Scott Taylor has released another one of his games, “Forest Fire.” He writes
“Forest Fire” is a simulation game for one player. The object of the game is to extinguish a growing fire which is threatening the town and farms of the countryside. To do this, you can supervise the construction of barriers which block the path of the fire, or direct a water scooper airplane to skim water from the lake and drop it over a wider area.
You can only move so quickly, so much of the strategy is in deciding what to sacrifice in order to save the most amount of land. The game ends when the fire is completely extinguished. You will then receive a report on the results of the fire, and a skill rating based on how well you protected the town (“#”), farms (“F”), and forest of the area, in that order of importance.
As soon as the game begins you can move, build fire barriers, or collect or drop water by pressing keys on the keyboard. Your initial position is marked by a “+” symbol in the town. The fire will appear as a single “*” symbol in the forest.
You can download Scott’s games by searching the Software Search page for the author field for Scott Taylor
September 1, 2023 – FreHD Cable Routing Instructions
Jay Newirth has put together two PDF’s to outline a method for cable installation of a FreHD for Model III/4NGA’s.
- With Serial Board
- Without Serial Board
September 3, 2023 – TRS80GP v2.5.1 Released

TRS80GP has been updated to v2.5.1. Release Notes:
Changes – Model I/III/4:
- Linux joystick support.
- Type current date/time with -iy ‘%m/%d/%y’ or -iy ‘%h:%i:%s’; %Y is full year. Model 2 users: trs80gp -m2 -iw YYYY -iy “%m/%d/%Y\r%h.%i.%s\r”
- Model 1 CLOAD fixed when using earlier ROM revisions under TRSDOS.
- Warning if cassette used on Model 1 disk system without CMD”T” with option to turn off interrupts so cassette operation will function properly.
- halt, irq, nmi states in Z-80 in disassembly for less confusing stepping.
Changes – Other Computers:
- Support Color Computer SG-8 semigraphics mode
- Sound now audible on Color Computer Demon Attack.
- Implemented import/export of Model II TRS-DOS variable length record files.
- Approximate video beam dropouts in Model 2/12/16/6000.
Bug Fixes:
- Color Computer reset works when in OS-9 or 64K mode in general.
- Color Flex 5.0.4 keyboard input fixed (it was seeing entire columns at once).
- Linux “Change Model” would fail if trs80gp was not on the $PATH.
- Correctly exports first file on Aculab wafer rather than ejecting the wafer.
- Some illegal EXG instructions could crash Videotex or CoCo.
- FreHD emulation bug on Windows prevented access to files with paths.
- Model 1 LEVEL II BASIC data .cas files no longer mis-identified as 250 baud.
- Stopped Z-80 suprious breakpoints in halt state or when interrupt pending.
- Color Computer Program Paks were limited to 8K due to a typo.
- 68000 execution speed more realistic and decoupled from Z-80.
- 68000 speed selectable with -mhz16 N, default 8; closest to divisor of 312.
- Scroll Lock and ctrl+shift+@ now work as Model 2/12/16/6000 HOLD key on linux. And \0 will also simulate HOLD when used in -i or an Alt+N macro.
Visit the TRS80GP Web Page at for the download and information. You can also download it here as well.
September 4, 2023 – September 2023 Issue of TRS8Bit
Dusty has released the September 2023 issue of the TRS8Bit newsletter. Here’s what he had to say:
The September 2023 edition of TRS8BIT is now available from the Downloads page.
In this issue (one of the largest September issues ever!). Ian Mavric reports what to look for at the T.A.2023, gives us the low-down on M3 & M4 power supplies and continues his article on restoring and upgrading the Co-Co3. Leon Heller found some very interesting, Tandy related websites. New contributor, Tu-Bardh, has converted a ‘PET’ number-sorting game program for us all to enjoy.
E.T. Fonehume has another BASIC one-liner, zapping stars! Vince Otten has part 2 of his ‘Software tools in BASIC’. ‘At the READY> prompt’ shows a quirk in a FOR-NEXT loop. Andy tells us how the ‘Tandy-thing’ happened for him. ‘The Way We Were’ looks at BASIC compilers, TRS-80 software and a Model 2000 review. Pascal Holdry offers an early look at his current hardware project. Handy Hints is just for any model railway buffs out there. Peter Phillips sorts out a 40+ year old bug in David Ahl’s maze generating program. Another new contributor, Wellswang, runs across hardware problems and a manual miss-print which caused rather a bit of confusion.
Tom Nardi restores the cheapest Tandy at a swap-meet. Want to see a M3 using A.I. on the internet; yeh, I couldn’t believe it too. And finally, there’s the details of this years competition. Don’t forget, time’s running out to get your entries in. George Phillips has updated his competition page with information on the structure of Z-80 opcodes and an example disassembler.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this issue.
It can be downloaded from Dusty’s web site at
September 6, 2023 – CoCo Manuals
Curtis Boyle has scanned some CoCo manuals …
Publisher: Software Dynamics
Year: 1984
Size: 7,643,559
Pages: 20
Notes: [Coco]
Publisher: Frank Hogg Laboratory
Year: 1983
Size: 43,694,966
Pages: 55
Notes: [CoCo]
Publisher: Computer Systems Distributors
Year: 1984
Size: 12,836,779
Pages: 26
Notes: [Coco]
Publisher: Ark Royal Games
Year: 1983
Size: 9,854,483
Pages: 9
Notes: [CoCo]
Publisher: Microcom Software
Year: 1988
Size: 26,939,521
Pages: 44
Notes: [CoCo]
September 7, 2023 – TRS-80 Microcomputer Sales Training Manual
Eddie has found and scanned the TRS-80 Microcomputer Sales Training Manual!
Publisher: Tandy
Year: 1978
Size: 19,136,899
Pages: 54
September 9, 2023 – Color Genie Catalogs and Flyers
Tarkie has scanned some Color Genie Catalogs and Flyers
Publisher: Lowe Electronics
Year: 19xx
Size: 674,853
Pages: 2
Publisher: Lowe Electronics
Year: 19xx
Size: 564,052
Pages: 2
Publisher: Lowe Electronics
Year: 1983
Size: 26,797,212
Pages: 30
Publisher: Lowe Electronics
Year: 1983
Size: 7,273,140
Pages: 10
September 10, 2023 – New Page: DCB’s
I have added a page which discusses the DCB’s.
September 10, 2023 – Tandy Assembly is coming up!
Tandy Assembly 2023 will take place September 29 through October 1, 2023 in Springfield, Ohio.
Attendees Can Now Pre-Register!
- Registration is $10 per attendee for Saturday and Sunday.
- If you want to attend the Tandy Tech Track on Friday the fee is $30 for all 3 days.
- Children 12 and under free.
- All proceeds pay for the costs of running the event.
More information can be found at
October 5, 2023 – Model I plus Printer in Ontario, California
UPDATE: Claimed
A site visitor has a Model I and Printer available for free. No idea if they work. He is willing to ship for the cost of pack and ship.
I will pass on emails as they come in. Please contact me at contest at trs-80 dot com.
October 8, 2023 – TRS80-TOOL Updated to v2.5.0
Lawrence Kesteloot has updated his TRS80-Tool to v2.5.0. This is the premiere tool for working with WAV file cassette images, although it does do a lot more.
- Display WAV metadata for info –version.
- Handle Level 1 cassette files.
- Can mount cassettes and floppies in run command.
- Handle arrow keys and paste in run command.
- Support EDTASM files (can convert to .ASC file).
- Stricter parsing of .CAS files to avoid misdetection of cassette headers.
You can get more information, as well as download the Binaries, from
To download the source, go to Lawrence’s repo’s home page at and hit the green button marked CODE.
October 15, 2023 – Updated MultiDOS and Esoteric DOS thanks to Vernon B Hester.
Vernon B Hester has updated MultiDOS and Esoteric DOS!
Updates are on the MultiDOS v2 – Present Page.
DOS Downloads:
- Model I MultiDOS v5.10 in Double Sided Double Density Format.
- Model I MultiDOS v5.10 in Single Sided Double Density Format.
- Model I MultiDOS v5.10 in Single Sided Single Density Format.
- Model III MultiDOS v5.10 in Double Sided Format.
- Model III MultiDOS v5.10 in Single Sided Format.
- Model 4 Esoteric DOS v3.20 in Single Sided Format.
- Model 4 Esoteric DOS v3.20 in Emulator Format (too big to fit on a real floppy).
- Model 4 Esoteric DOS v3.20 in Single Sided Format.
- Model 4 MultiDOS v6.20 in Double Sided Format.
- Model 4 MultiDOS v6.20 in Emulator Format (too big to fit on a real floppy).
- Model 4 MultiDOS v6.20 in Single Sided Format.
FreHD Downloads (includes DMK, HFE, and HDV files):
- Model I MultiDOS v5.10 for the FreHD.
- Model III MultiDOS v5.10 for the FreHD.
- Model 4 MultiDOS v6.20/Esoteric v3.20 for the FreHD.
- Instructions for the FreHD Versions.
Updated Manuals:
- Zeus Editor/Assembler (11th Printing)
- MultiDOS v5.1 and Esoteric v3.2
Thank you, Vernon!
November 1, 2023 – Fairfield County, Connecticut TRS-80 User’s Group
The collection of Edward B. Congleton has sent over some newsletters and misc documents to archive. This first set is from the Fairfield County, Connecticut TRS-80 User’s Group.
Issue: Vol 3 No 04
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1982
Size: 75,821,283
Pages: 20
Issue: Vol 3 No 05
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1982
Size: 63,800,617
Pages: 20
Issue: Vol 3 No 07
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1982
Size: 31,207,622
Pages: 22
Issue: Vol 4 No 10
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1984
Size: 39,929,292
Pages: 22
Issue: Vol 4 No 11
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1984
Size: 28,907,945
Pages: 22
Issue: Vol 5 No 03
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1984
Size: 28,777,672
Pages: 22
Issue: Vol 5 No 04
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1984
Size: 30,697,797
Pages: 22
Issue: Vol 5 No 05
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1984
Size: 35,013,525
Pages: 22
Issue: Vol 5 No 06
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1984
Size: 27,264,194
Pages: 22
Issue: Vol 5 No 07
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1984
Size: 33,609,469
Pages: 22
Issue: Vol 5 No 09
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1985
Size: 32,977,273
Pages: 22
Issue: Vol 5 No 10
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1985
Size: 43,298,766
Pages: 22
November 1, 2023 – The Alternate Source Update – Issues 6-9, 10-13
The collection of Edward B. Congleton has sent over some newsletters and misc documents to archive. This next set is The Alternate Source Update.
Publisher: The Alternate Source
Year: 19xx
Size: 8,037,054
Pages: 4
Publisher: The Alternate Source
Year: 1984
Size: 7,013,096
Pages: 4
Publisher: The Alternate Source
Year: 1984
Size: 7,769,109
Pages: 4
Publisher: The Alternate Source
Year: 1985
Size: 4,539,568
Pages: 2
Publisher: The Alternate Source
Year: 1985
Size: 7,545,115
Pages: 4
Publisher: The Alternate Source
Year: 1985
Size: 7,541,812
Pages: 4
Publisher: The Alternate Source
Year: 1985
Size: 7,702,422
Pages: 4
November 2, 2023 – More newsletters, magazines, and catalogs from the Edward B. Congleton collection
The collection of Edward B. Congleton has sent over some newsletters and misc documents to archive.
Issue: Vol 6 No 02
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1985
Size: 14,341,699
Pages: 20
Issue: Vol 6 No 03
Publisher: Fairfield County TRUG
Year: 1985
Size: 13,280,227
Pages: 20
Issue: Vol 2 No 3
Publisher: Soft Horizons
Year: 1985
Size: 29,698,584
Pages: 20
Publisher: The Alternate Source
Year: 1985
Size: 37,135,056
Pages: 18
November 8, 2023 – Model I Level 1 ROM Disassembled and Commented
Although the various Level II ROMs have been disassembled and commented, the Level 1 ROM had not been … until now. To see a commented (as best I could figure out; the floating point routines are very hard to follow) Model I Level 1 ROM disassembly, visit the Model I Level 1 ROM Page.
Special thanks to George and Peter for their excellent Z-80 Debugging features of TRS80GP, or I would never have been able to follow which Register Set was active at which moment.
November 12, 2023 – Replacement Model III Power Cables

Jay Newirth now sells Model III power cables for the CPU, FDC board, RS232 board and floppy drive(s).
For pricing, photos or more information contact Jay Newirth (newSOFT) at jaynewirth at verizon dot net.
November 20, 2023 – CoCo2 Free for Local Pickp in San Diego, California
UPDATE: Claimed
A site visitor has a CoCo2 free for local pickup in San Diego, CA.
First come first served; will pass on in the order received. You can email me at contest at TRS-80 dot com.

December 1, 2023 – New TRS-80 Adventure

Stefan Vogt is releasing a new TRS-80 adventure on December 2nd called The Ghosts of Blackwood Manor.
Take on the role of novelist Thomas King and his wife Cora as they move into a remote Scottish manor house, just days before Christmas 1986. Seeking inspiration for his next book, Thomas begins to explore the history of Blackwood Manor, only to uncover a dark secret that dates back centuries to the days of the Great Scottish Witch Hunts.
The Ghosts of Blackwood Manor is a complex interactive fiction piece written in Infocom’s advanced Z-machine format XZIP. The game has three different endings, a bad, a neutral and a good ending, depending on the player’s choices. It is very likely that the player, on a first playthrough, will not reach the good ending, even though it is possible. Reaching the bad or neutral ending first is part of the experience and helps the player understanding the true intentions of some of the NPCs and the impact of decisions made, so they may be reconsidered.
You can order or download the game at
December 7, 2023 – TRS-80 Trash Talk Live # 36 set for December 16, 2023

The next TRS-80 Trash Talk live show is Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 7:00PM Eastern Daylight Time / 4:00PM Pacific Daylight Time!
You can watch on the TRS-80 Trash Talk channel:
If you want to participate in the live zoom session, reach out to trs80trashtalk at gmail dot com for information.
December 7, 2023 – December 2023 Issue of TRS8Bit
Click to Expand
Dusty has released the December 2023 issue of the TRS8Bit newsletter. Here’s what he had to say:
Thanks to everyone who has sent in such a super collection of articles for this edition.
In this issue, the competition winner, Matt Boytim, explains, in detail, just how he managed to get his disassembler down to 887 bytes. George Phillips gives details of all the entries throughout the year. Al Wallace has sent details of his enhanced Star-Trek program. Ian Mavric sorts out M2 Rifa caps. for the Model 2, reports a Co-Co PIA chip mix-up and shows everyone just how fantastic the 2023 Tandy Assembly was. George Phillips takes the lead in upgrading BASIC Level 2.5 (TWOHAF) after I looked to see just how good ChatGPT is at creating Z80 code (and other bits while I was at it!). Brian K White keeps a CGP-115 printer (one of my favourites bits of kit) running.
E.T. Fonehume has a one-liner game just for Christmas. I go ‘surfin the net’ for interesting YouTube videos. And finally, there a look at some of the U.K.’s Ebay Tandy bargains, ‘Handy Hints’ from the 1950’s and a short look at ‘The Way We Were’.
As always, thanks for your support over the last 17 years.
I look forward to hearing from you all in 2024.
It just remains for me to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year
It can be downloaded from Dusty’s web site at
December 8, 2023 – Converting DMK to WAV
Jürgen Büssert, author of the Bootstrap utility that allows TRS-80 owners with a cassette port but no diskettes to create boot disks, has written up the process of how he managed to get a DMK into a WAV.
You can read about it at
December 10, 2023 – TRS80GP v2.5.2 Released

TRS80GP has been updated to v2.5.2. Release Notes:
Changes – Model I/III/4:
- -itime 0 now disables input feed timeout.
- Automated input no longer waits for input ready before proceeding.
- Automatic turbo mode when printing to printer; settable by menu or -pt/-ptx.
- Hard drive controller now correctly drops DRQ when READ buffer is finished, fixing hard drive access from NEWDOS/80 2.5.
- Made Z-80 emulator extensions (-ee) easily accessible to BASIC with INP(71).
- Pasted or command line input auto turbo controllable by menu or -iat/-iatx.
- Show location of memory search match in address text box.
- Use Z-180 CPU with -z180 giving sufficient but incomplete XLR8er support.
- Z-80 debugger memory read traps now catch push/pop and other stack operations.
Changes – Other Computers:
- Model 2 family hires graphics no longer sometimes hang emulator.
Bug Fixes:
- Debugger allows ‘h’ suffix on pasted hexadecimal input.
- Don’t spuriously warn about interrupts when CMD”T”:CLOAD and such are used. CMD”T” doesn’t immediately disable interrupts:
- On Windows Ctrl+A works for “Select All” on all text input boxes.
- On Windows Shift+Insert and Shift+Delete working again in the debugger window.
- Significantly improved “-ip” throughput (was only 1 character/frame).
- Windows version didn’t notice when children from “-rA :dt1” and such went away.
- Z-80 debugger EXX and other register exchange checkboxes would not always reflect actual flip-flop states but registers would be correctly swapped.
Visit the TRS80GP Web Page at for the download and information. You can also download it here as well.