Missing TRS-80 Model I/III/4 Software

Thanks for vising this page.

Whenever I go through a magazine or catalog and notice an advertisement for a piece of software which is missing from the archive, I make an entry and try to take a copy of the ad.

While missing entries appear on search results when searching the archive, I have also made this page to make it easy for those who wish to help the site keep growing.

As of 12/04/2024 there are 2161 entries on this page.

If you have any of the software listed below for the TRS-80 Model I/III/4, please contact me. The only evidence I have that these programs MIGHT (I say might, because they could have been announced and then never released) exist, are advertisements. Where I have those advertisements, they can be viewed below.

PublisherSoftware TitleAd
A and B SoftwareCataloger
A-T EnterprisesProperty Management Software
A.U. SoftwareExam Builder
Aardvark AdventuresHaunted House
Aardvark-80Pyramid Adventure
 Time Trek
 Trek Adventure
 Vampire Castle
 Text Editor
ABC SalesLazyCalc
Academic Therapy
Leonardo Da Micro
 Mission Control
 Mystery Words
Accurate Data
 Super-Q Two
Acorn SoftwareElectronic Handicapper: Basketball
 German Teacher #2
 Italian Teacher
 Language Teacher
 Lost Colony
 Spanish Tutor #2
 Video Pager
 Your Family Tree
ACR ConsultantsFill in the Blanks
ACSMake Tape and Make Disk
 TRS-80 DOS v3.0
Adam OsborneGeneral Ledger 
Adel Computer MartConvertr
Advanced Operating
 Lunar Lander II
 Screenpacker Plus
 Tele Number Conversion
Adventure InternationalKid-Venture 3: Old McDonald’s Farm
 Maxi Mail
 Other Venture 1: Classic Adventure 
 Personal Checkbook Manager
 Poker Tournament
Adventure SystemTasmania
AJA SoftwareInventory 
AlbionAculab Database
All Systems GoFloppy Disk Maintenance Program
Allen AshleyASMB-Z8 
Allen GelderEdit
Allied Systems CoVitamin and Mineral Deficiency Chart
Alpha ProductsPersonality Test
 Talking Word Processor
AlphaBit Communications,
VPM Math Pak
Alpine DataQuest of the Rings
ALPSALPS SuperScripsit Printer Driver
 Kiddie Alphabet
 Sketch Package
Alternate SourceAlternate Forth
 Cash Register
 Compress Program Utility
 D4TES Terminal 
 Disassembler v2.0
 EDX Full Screen Editor
 Lazy Comm
 Mailing Manager
 Parallel Print Driver
 TA Sort
 TAS LDOS Utility Pack
 TCOM Tape Communications
 Word Wizard 
AM ElectronicsDealer and Service Center Record Package
 Inventory Control System
 Manufacturing Inventory Control
 Order Entry with Invoicing and Inventory
Analytical Process
Apparat IncCMDX Processor
 Digital Talker
 Integrated Sales and Inventory: Accounts Receivable with Labeling
 Integrated Sales and Inventory: Integrated Sales and Inventory System
 Integrated Sales and Inventory: Invoicing and Sales
 Integrated Sales and Inventory: Manufacturing Inventory Control
 Scientific Arithmetic Processor
 Smart Terminal 80
Applied Economic
Box-Jenkins Forecasting Model
 Business Planning Package for Forecasting
 General Risk Program
 Investment Risk Analysis
 U.S. Simulation Model
Aquarius People
Materials Inc
Addition K-8
 America An Early History
 Contemporary Living Series
 English, Our Language Series
 Graphing is Fun
 Junior Typer
 Personal Consumerism Series
 Personal Finance Series
 Personalized Typing
 Relevant Reading Through Science
 Sentence Diagramming
 Solving Word Problems
 Survival Math Series
Arctic Computer
Coin Inventory
 Mailing List
Arnold SchaefferMiz Spell
Artificial Intelligence
 RSGLMod General Ledger Modifications
Auckland AssociatesReal Estate Investment Analysis
Author UnknownManagement 
 Model 4/4P Library Catalog Disk 
 The Management 
Avalon HillClear for Action
 Close Assault [Tape Version]
 Computer Baseball Strategy
 Draw Poker 
 Tanktics [Tape Version]
AVS Audio Video
Base II
Balcode Software IncSpace Invaders
Banana Soft80/2 Invaders
BAP$ SoftwareFinancial Statement
 Flight Simulator
 Income Tax Estimates
 Income/Deductions and Mileage File
 Mail List
 Oscar Draft
 Stock Charting
 Wizards City
Barclay Whyte
WordProc I-III v3.0
 WordProc v2.0
Barker SoftwarePilot
 Tiny Pascal Disk Modifier
Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression
Baseball ReplayBaseball Replay
Becker ElectronicsBiorythm
 Calendar Computations
 Cloud Altitude & Formation
 Home Mortgage
 Sidereal Time
Berg Works1/4 Mile Drag
 Breakout II
 Great Crane Game Machine
 Laser Warrior
 Memory Mover
 Speed Lighting
 Tic Tac Toe
 TV Pow II
 Word Scramble
Big G SoftwareTest Generator
Big System SoftwareCre8Sys System Tapes from Disk Command Files
 Tape Copy
Bill MaxeyModel III Disk Directory Program
Bill VitulliSmall Business Invoice Program
 Super Star Trek IV
BishopLost Colony
Blechman EnterprisesTelephone Dialer
Block Island Technologies
Accounts Receivable Upgrade
Blue Print SoftwareCartoon Calendar
Blue Ridge SoftwareProfix III
 Profix IV
Bob AndersonHaunted House Adventure
Bodley ScottWilliam The Conqueror 
Bottom ShelfBusiness Mail System
 CheckBook II
 Line Printer
 Structured Translator for BASIC [SL/B]
 Terminal Control
 Text Merge
Bourrut Consulting
Brad DanielsNight Driver
Brain Bank, IncReading Comprehension Practice A
 Reading Comprehension Practice B
 Reading Comprehension The Four Skills
Brandon RigneyBillboard
BreezeFile Transfer Utility 80 
 Multi-Disk Copy I 
 PowerDRAW v1.3
Brizzerk SoftwareBathroom Key
BrownQuill Driver
BT EnterprisesAccounting Partner
 Basic Editor
 Disk Directory Program
 Electronic Messenger
 Speed-O-Scope Disk Timer
BusinessFreeware Slotmachine 
Business MicroproductsSelector III-C2
Business Programs
 Retail Inventory
 Salary Conversion
Business Software
Calc Helper
BV EngineeringQSort
Byte MiserData Organizer
Byte Miser SoftwareDatorg
C SimonoffNewsboy and Newsgirl Accounting System
CalcugramOption Valuation Program
 Options Hedgeging Program
CalData SystemsWordMagic II
CampbellShare Analysis
Canty and AssociatesLiicos
Capital SoftwareBusiness Bookkeeper
 Money Manager
 Tax/Budget Planner
CarrouselBiorhythm Plus
CB MicrodexSX
CCD SoftwareBirdman
 Bug Zap
CDCSuper Database
Cedat IncBlock Cursor
 Electronic Shift-Lock
 Keyboard Debounce
 Short Cassette Leader
Charley ButlerCs Bargain Disk 1
Cheever MicrowareFootmath
Chick HousePeople’s Taxman
Chilly Disk SoftwareFlash Spell
Christopher FaraJob Control Language 
Clark ConsultantsModel III Cassette Copy
Clay WattsProAid
 CLOAD Magazine Issue Best Of
 Hot n Cold
 Strategy and Number Games
CLSSuper Add
 Super Mult
Coleman Computer
Address-Phone-Birthday Directory
 Apartment Building Management System
 Appointment Manager
 Bartender’s Guide 1
 Bartender’s Guide 2
 CCS Tutor/Create
 CCS Tutor/Teach
 Complete Checking II
 Data File Merge
 Disk Filing System
 Easy Filing System
 Fiant Line Print
 File Software
 Flash Cards II
 Home Budget Accountant 
 Home Inventory
 Inventory Control
 Jumbo Character Display
 Keyboard/File Sort
 Machine Keyboard-File Sort
 Mail Monitor
 Maillist 1
 Message Display Center
 Mini Property management
 Mini Word Processor
 Phone Message Secretary
 Photo/Slide Indexer
 Quick Business Accounting
 Record/Tape Collection Indexer
 Type and Print
Gas Attack
 Murder Mansion
 Plasmoid Invasion
 Room’s of Cygnes IV
 Roman Conquest
CompusoftInstant Profile 
Computents IncABSee
Computer Aided and
Managed Instruction
Computer Applications
Computer BugsText Editor
Computer Cablevision
Business II
 Business I
Computer ConnectionServant v3.2
Computer CouncilCompu-Lock
Computer Data
Data-Base Management
Computer Information
People’s Pascal II 
 People’s Pascal
 Super Auto
Computer News 80Catalog 
 File Cabinet Library: Allwrite Fonts Catalog
 File Cabinet Library: Postmaster Icons Catalog
 File Cabinet Library: Symphony 90 Music Catalog
 File Cabinet: Model 4 Business Library Disk 33 [May Not Exist]
 File Cabinet: Model 4 High Resolution Picture Collection 041 
 File Cabinet: Model 4 High Resolution Picture Collection 058 
 File Cabinet: Model 4 High Resolution Picture Collection 059 
 File Cabinet: Model 4 High Resolution Picture Collection 061 
 File Cabinet: Model 4 High Resolution Picture Collection 062 
 File Cabinet: Model 4 High Resolution Picture Collection 063 
 File Cabinet: Model 4 High Resolution Picture Collection 064 
 File Cabinet: Model 4 High Resolution Picture Collection 065 
 File Cabinet: Model 4 High Resolution Picture Collection 066 
 File Cabinet: Model 4 High Resolution Picture Collection 067 
 File Cabinet: Model 4 High Resolution Picture Collection 068 
 File Cabinet: Model 4 High Resolution Picture Collection 069 
 File Cabinet: Model 4 Utilities Library Disk 57
 File Cabinet: Model 4 Utilities Library Disk 66
 File Cabinet: Model 4 Utilities Library Disk 67
 File Cabinet: Model 4 Utilities Library Disk 68
 File Cabinet: Model 4 Utilities Library Disk 69
 File Cabinet: Model III Business Library Disk 01 
 File Cabinet: Model III Business Library Disk 02 
 File Cabinet: Model III Business Library Disk 04 
 File Cabinet: Model III Business Library Disk 05 
 File Cabinet: Model III Business Library Disk 06 
 File Cabinet: Model III Business Library Disk 07 
 File Cabinet: Model III Business Library Disk 08 
 File Cabinet: Model III Business Library Disk 09 
 File Cabinet: Model III Business Library Disk 10 
 File Cabinet: Model III Business Library Disk 11 
 File Cabinet: Model III Business Library Disk 12 
 File Cabinet: Model III Business Library Disk 13 
 File Cabinet: Model III Business Library Disk 14 
 File Cabinet: Model III Disk Series Disk 30 
 File Cabinet: Model III Disk Series Disk 31 
 File Cabinet: Model III Disk Series Disk 34 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 01 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 02 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 04 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 05 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 06 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 07 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 08 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 09 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 10 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 11 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 12 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 13 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 14 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 15 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 16 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 17 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 18 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 19 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 20 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 21 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 23 
 File Cabinet: Model III Educational Library Disk 25 
 Laser and Dot Matrix Print Drivers
 Rembrandt Graphics Toolkit
Computer Resources
MMS: Attendance Reporting System
 MMS: Class Cuts Reporting System
 MMS: Grade Reporting System
 MMS: Student Master File System
 MMS: Student Scheduling System
Computer ShackArachnid Plus
 E Basic
 Family Tree
 Mine Field
 Monthly Billing System
 Simon and Merfunkle
Computer SimulationsEmpire
Computer Software
Design Inc
Data Ace
Computer Sport
Pro Football: Gold Edition
 Lend Out
 Turkey Buzzard
ComputronicsBowlstat v3.1
 File Clerk
 T-Share v1.2
 T-Share v1.3
Comtrol Data SystemsIntercalc
Comtronic SystemsCenturion
 Contract Collection System
 F-15 Death Pilot
 Property Management System
Systems Inc
Real Estate Consultant
Continental PressMastering Mathematics Decimals
 Worksheet Test Generator
Coolidge and
Client Files
 Energy Analysis
 Lighting Calculations
Cornucopia SoftwareVolksTax
Cosmopolitan Electronics
Cottage SoftwareCassette Label Maker
 Fast Sort Routine for Radio Shack Accounts Receivable
 Fast Sort Routine for Radio Shack Disk Mailing List
 Fast Sort Routine for Radio Shack Inventory Control
 System Tape Duplicator
Craig LindleyAlternate Forth Support Package 1
 Alternate Forth
CRB MicrotoolsTRSTum and TRSDum
People seemed to have LOVED removing the first few (copyright) lines of Creative Computing titles, so it is quite possible that these are currently NOT missing. So if you have anything with the Creative Computing label that matches these, please submit it so that I can compare your known Creative Computing title to the existing similar named titles and possibly change them from AUTHOR UNKNOWN to CREATIVE COMPUTING.
Creative ComputingAdvanced Statistics
 Analysis of Variance
 Business Address and Information System
 Checking Account
 Correlation Analysis
 Descriptive Statistics
 Graphic Package
 Hail to the Chief
 Investment Analysis
 IQ Test
 Linear and Parabolic Regression
 Multiple Linear Regression
 Original Adventure 
 Personal Address and Information System
 Polar Coordinate Graphing
 Regression Trend Analysis
 SECA Racing Simulator 
 Social and Economic Simulations
 Solar Energy Analysis
 Space Lifeboat
 Stock and Options Analysis
 Streets of the City
 Sub Hunt
 Tape Manager
 Two Variable Statistics
Crown MicroProductsCASM Z80 Editor/Assembler
Crushman PublishersMailPro Mail List
Crystal ComputerAsteroid Belt
 Crystal Planet
 Glamis Castle
 Jupiter – World of Dwarfs
 Mists of Venus
 Planet Herman
 Quest for Power
 Uranus – World of Ice
Cubbyhole SoftwareESF Directory
 ESF-80 Patch
Custom Computer
Filing Cabinet
 Magic Cursor I
 Restauranteur’s Consultant
 Supply Room
Custom SoftwareLunar Lander
 Master Disk Index
 Othello v3.0
CybernauticsHigh Finance
D L PittmanHoroscope Casting By Computer
D LewandowskiHyres
D StobbsJob Costing 
D&M SoftwareCross Reference Dictionary
 Remedial Spelling
 Spelling Bee
D-SoftTelephone Program
Dan CaseTemple of Rah
Data Base Industries101 Business Letters
Datafile SystemsFilemate II
DatascoreBowling League Statistics
DataSoft IncAstroMines
 Falling Bricks
 Football Classics
 Star Run
David BohlkeTime Bomb 
David E WhiteTreasure Dungeon 1 
David GobenBCX2
 BCX: Spreadsheet
 Busy-Calc Spreadsheet
 Busy-Calc: Demo Disk
 Fast Softfonts Downloader
 FFORMAT Model 3
 FFORMAT Model 4
 M T K
 Model 3 File Utilities
 Model 3 System Utilities
 Model 4 File Utilities
 Model 4 System Utilities
 Postmaster 24
 Postmaster Support Utilities
 Script Spelling Verifier
 Small C Complier For LS-DOS
 Superscripsit Spelling Checker
David P MillerMouse Menu
David T GrayColumn Calculator v3.1
Daybreak SoftwareAddition and Subtraction Of Fractions
 Addition and Subtraction Of Whole Numbers
 Dragon Games
 Math Baseball
 Multiplication and Division of Fractions
 Multiplication and Division Of Whole Numbers
 Regions Of The United States
 Simple Algebraic Equations
 Full Screen Editor
DeckerScreen Edit
 TAS Public Domain Disk Library
Delta MicroDelta Graphics Basic
Delta SystemsFFT-80 Fast Fourier Transform
Dennis AllenAlternate BASIC
 Alternate Trek
DHA Systems &
FastPak Business Mail System
Diaz EnterprisesWorktools 80
Dick MichelsApartment Analysis
Disco TechMachine Language Utility Package Number 1
Discovery Bay
Software Co
Discovery GamesChennault’s Flying Tigers
 Malta Strike
DLTIMate Computer
SBasic Structured BASIC
Don V RiggPascal Instructional Package 
Donald M FieldingCat2/XFR
 Wild Cat Disk Directory Catalogue
Donald W AdyElixir
 Stylus Word Processor
Dr BeunisStructured BASIC Appendage 
Dr John HayesMedical Office System 
Dr LeeMath Library I
 Ode Master
Dr. SoftwareGrid Iron
 Basic Scientific Subroutines Vol 1
 Chess Master
 Cribbage v2.0
 Digital Filter
 Flight Simulator
 Harmonic Analyzer
 Morse Code Trainer
 Multilinear Regression
 Nominoes Jigsaw
 Poker Party
 Regression II [Parafit]
 Regression I
 Teacher’s Pet I
 Transfer Function Analyzer
Dynamic SoftwareDynamic Report Generator
E-Z SoftwareIncoProp Income Property Analysis
Earl PetersonAMCT-80
Ebert Personal
Computers Inc
Bread Board System
Ed BallThoroughbred Handicapper
Ed JugeBasic Lunar Lander
 Space Trek II
Edu-Ware EastHORKS
 Inventory Plus
Educational Media
 Driver Education
 Electronics I
 Geography I
 Logic Games Package
 Music Theory I
 U.S. Government I
 U.S. History I
Micro Systems
 Convert 3 to 2000
Educational ProgramsDistance Game
 Estimation Game
Edwards and
Data Compactor
Ehlen EnterprisesIII to 4 Converter
 Security Value Monitor
Elf IIMasterguess
ELTech AssociatesBill of Materials Processor
 Manufacturing Inventory Control 
En Fleur CorpSasse Freedom Filing System
Grammar and Writing (Network 3)
 Grammar and Writing
 Problem Solving In Algebra (Network 3)
 Problem Solving In Algebra
Enjoy Computer
Banjo Player
 Form 007
Eric W PutnamCreating Magic Squares Using Decimals 
Eugene H Bock &
Tax I
 Tax II
Fantastic Software23 Creatures
FeldmanDecision Maker 
FGA SoftwareEasypro Word Processor v1.0
 Easypro Word Processor v2.0
File CabinetTRS-80 Link Issue 26 [1989-12] 
Florida Micro Computer
Fred SchildBeginner Backgammon and Keno
Freeman SoftwareICS Professional
Fuller SoftwareSource File
Future Projects CorpVSS-80
FutureviewChess Board
 Computer Typing Course
 Giant Space Slug
 Laser Lights
 Marooned Again
 Non-Disk Addresser
 Non-Disk Check System
 Non-Disk Electric Bookkeeper
 Non-Disk Sales Inventory
 Non-Disk Speed Writer
 Nuclear Beehive
 Phase VII Game System
G&L Software
A/C Analysis Program
 D/C Analysis Program
G2 EnterprisesPrintLink
Galactic Software
Host I/III v1.1 
 Inventory Master System
 Mail/File – Series 2
 Stock Market Monitor
Gamco Industries IncCapitalization
 Content Area Reading: Math
 Content Area Reading: Science
 Content Area Reading: Social Studies
 End Punctuation
 Parts of Speech
 Readability Analysis
Gamester SoftwareMisadventure 6
 Troff Adventure
Gary ThurmondRSL-1
Gary Thurmond and
Tom Nussmeier
General Computer CoKim Challenge
George BlankAutomated Diskette Directory
Gessler Educational
French Antonyms and Synonyms
 German Antonyms and Synonyms
 La Corrida De Toros
 La Guillotine
 Mesaventures Culturelles
 Present Tense Of Regular French Verbs
 Spanish Antonyms and Synonyms
 Spanish Grammar Por Vs Para Ser Vs Estar
 Spanish Grammar Preterite and Imperfect
 Spanish Verbs: Present Subjunctive
Emul 8 4
 Shuttle Command
Golden Braid
Long Distance Analyzer
Good Software CorpInvestor III
Gordon HattonSir [Selective Information Retrieval]
Gosub International
Mercenary Force
 Space Merchant
GratzerBridge Academy
GRTG/2 Adventure
 G/2 Beat the House
 G/2 Blockade
 G/2 Clinic
 G/2 Outwit II
 G/2 Outwit
H & E ComputronicsMail Pac
H J CampbellShare Analysis 
H&H Trading
Market Tracker
H.A.K. WorkshopBookkeeper
 Bookkeeping Machine
H.D.P.Accounts Receivable
 General Ledger
Hal DavisHorse Selector Flats
 Horse Selector Trots
Hanson HouseEasy Word
Harcourt Brace
Computer Preparation For The S.A.T.
Harmless Software
and Company
Read IT!
Harry HopkinsExpanded Maillist System
Hayden Book CompanyComplex Mathematics
 Engineering Mathematics 1
 FinPlan Financial Planning for Small Business (Disk)
 FinPlan Financial Planning for Small Business (Tape)
 Management Decisions
 Microcomputer Aided Design of Active Filters
 Microcomputer Circuit Analysis Program
HeimburgerAdventure Package I
Hexagon Systems80-Index
HHGuideHome Health Guide
Hi TechXLR8er Installation Utilities [CPM]
High Desert
Hikari GroupSimput
Holland CompanyBrainwave
Holman D-P ServiceGeneral Ledger
Hon Finance and
Insurance Company
Credit Report
Houston Micro-Computer
Technologies Inc
Asset Depreciation System
 Client Write-Up
 Columnar Pad
 Job Construction Lender
 Medical Billing
 Plotter Routines
 Survey Package
 Time Accounting and Professional Billing
Howard BoweEZ Line Input
Howe SoftwareFastsort
 Graph Print
 Home Budget and Checkbook Analysis
 Home Budget and Checkbook
 Pencil Patch
 Small Business Management System
HPB Vector Co.Code4
HuffmanHorse Handicapping Program
Human Relations
Health Awareness Games
IDA68000 Cross-Assembler v1.02 
Image ComputerAir-Sea Battle
 Frame Up
 Master Mind
 Roman Checkers
 Wall Street Challenge
 Word Master
Image ProducersOil Tycoon
Imperial International
Learning Corp
Pik Pek Put Program 1 Suffixes Part I 
 Pik Pek Put Program 1 Suffixes Part I 
 Pik Pek Put Program 2 Suffixes Part II 
 Pik Pek Put Program 2 Suffixes Part II 
 Pik Pek Put Program 3 Prefixes Part I 
 Pik Pek Put Program 3 Prefixes Part I 
 Pik Pek Put Program 4 Prefixes Part II 
 Pik Pek Put Program 4 Prefixes Part II 
Indiana Software
Development Co
Disk Term
Systems Inc
Information Technology
 Search Entry
Innovative PenguinMulti-Sound
People seemed to have LOVED removing the first few (copyright) lines of Instant Softare titles, so it is quite possible that these are currently NOT missing. So if you have anything with the Instant Software label that matches these, please submit it so that I can compare your known Instant Software title to the existing similar named titles and possibly change them from AUTHOR UNKNOWN to INSTANT SOFTWARE.
Instant SoftwareAccounts Receivable and Payable
 Anatomy Quiz
 Basic and Intermediate Lunar Lander
 Basic Math Program
 Bowling League Secretary
 BPA Basic Programming Assistant
 Business Analysis (Disk)
 Business Analysis (Tape)
 Business Cycle Analysis
 Car Race
 Cave Exploring
 Check Management System
 Checkers Partner
 Commissions and Percentages
 Computer Composer
 Destroy All Subs
 Detail Input
 Disk Scope
 Doodle Pad
 Doodle Pad
 Dr. Chips
 Draw and Stud Poker
 Financial Analysis
 Fixed Asset Control
 Flight Path
 General Information
 Graphics Program
 Hex I
 Hi-Lo and Tic-Tac-Toe
 Horse Race
 Horse Race
 Horse Race
 Horse Race
 Investor’s Paradise 
 Jumbo Jigsaw
 Junior Checkers
 Knights Quest [Level 1 Version]
 Math Master
 Mind Warp 
 Missile Attack
 Mission Impossible
 Mission: Mud
 Model Rocket Flight History Prediction
 Month and Year to Date Merge
 No-Trump Bridge
 Paper Rock Scissors
 Personal Finance I
 Petals Around the Rose
 Phone Number Converter
 Population Simulation
 Profit and Loss
 Programmer’s Converter 
 Programmer’s Primer
 Random Pattern Display
 Rat Trap
 Robot Chase
 Rocket Pilot
 Sales Analysis
 Sea Battle
 Slot Machine
 Space Chase (Level 1)
 Stock Trek
 The Elements
 Timber Baron
 Time Trials
 Triangle Geometry
 Typing Teacher (Level 1 Version)
 Utility II 
 Video Display
 Video Speed-Reading Trainer
 Vocabulary Builder
 Weather Plot
 Wheel of Fortune
 Year-End Balance
Institute for Scientific
Super ISA Database
Microware Inc
Basix Compiler
 Compact Graphics Interpreter
International Computer
Disk-Menu & Directory
Data Services
Screen Save Utility 
International Software
InterproKey Commander
Intersoft UnlimitedLibedit
Island TechnologiesDotDraw
J and A AssociatesDrawing Board
J C EnterpriseMath Review and Triangle Solutions
J&M Systems LtdDisk Drive Analyzer v1.0 
J. Eli &
Jack O SullivanPushT
James GaronPentominoes
James RussellBusiness Check Ledger+
James WilliamsConcinnator
Jerry HicksInventory Control
Jim ReshWord Wizard
JMS CorpBerserk
 Bomb the City
 Indy 500
 Polaris II
 Space Monsters
 Star Fighter
 Z-80 Disassembler
Joe ComputerBlinks-It
 Word Grinder
Joe Lynn Computer
Lynn’s Account Receivable System
 Lynn’s Check Register System
 Lynn’s EZ-Mail System
 Lynn’s Payroll System
 Lynn’s TRSDOS Utility Programs
John DeMitaData Set Control Package
 Math Test
 Mortgage Calculations
 Personal Finance Package
John J ArmstrongGenealogy: Compiling Roots and Branches
John StarkweatherNevada Pilot 
Jonell SystemsBiorythm Generator
 CMD 2 Tape
 Job Accounting
 Tape 2 CMD
Joseph Nichols
Writers Professional Submission Register
Jost AssociatesKeyboard-80
JPC Products CoTC-8 Cassette Operating System
JRM PublicationsMusi-Print
Judson D McClendonSurvey Package
K & L SoftwareDSM Sub
K-12 MicroMedia
Catalog Card and Label Writer
 Library Circulation Manager
Keith CampbellMagic Trilogy Part 1: Fairytale Adventure
 Magic Trilogy Part 2: Wonderland Adventure
 Magic Trilogy Part 3: Dreamworld
Kelson DelphiAccountant Systems
 Medical Records Systems
KensoftKoupon Keeper
King ElectronicsBaseball
Krell Software CorpAll Time Super Star Baseball
 All Time Super Star Basketball
 College Board Preparation Series Graduate Record Examination
 Descartes Delight
 GP 2 [Banzai Banzai 2 SuperBanzai Black Death] 
 GP 3 [Prime TIme Star Clipper Bulls and Bears] 
 Isaac Newton and FG Newton
 Krells ACT Blue Label Version
 Krells ACT Red Label Version
 Krells SAT Blue Label Version
 Krells SAT Gold Label Version
 Krells SAT Red Label Version
 Prime Time
 Pythagoras and the Dragon
 Shelby Lyman Chess
KSoftSuperlog 4
Kwik SoftwareKLoad
 KOS Cassette Operating System
 KWICOS Kwik Cassette Operating System
Lake Front SoftwareConquest
Lance MicklusRenumber
Lantz and YoungrenSound Idea
Leonard LordenMouseDOS
Level IV ProductsEpson Driver
 GEdit [Global Editor]
 Lower Case Driver [68 Bytes]
 Pinball with Sound
LibertyBright and Early
Liberty SoftwareGolfer’s Challenge
 Medieval Magic
Libra AssociatesEP-Graphics
Libra Laboratories
Gantt-Pack v3.0
Lindbergh SystemsOmniterm v2 
 Omniterm v3 
Linear Software
Bounce2 Spring Program
Little Bee Educational
ABC Sequence
 Calendar Tic-Tac-Toe
 Listen and Spell
 Math Facts
 Upper/Lower Case Matching
Logical Systems IncCaptain 747
 DSM51 Disk Sort Merge 
 Mach2 [File Space Allocation Utility] 
Lords CorpCommon Pilot
LT Data IncBillist
Lyons ProductsOmniscroll III/4
Mad Hatter SoftwareBingo Calling Program
 Demo Program
 Diet Planning Package
 Galactic Blockade Runner
 Personal Finance Package
 Sci-Fi Sampler
 Slot Machine 
Maine Data and Financial
Stringy Floppy General Ledger
 Super Basic v3.1
Management ServicesAnalyst II
Management Systems
Software Inc
Busines Program Package
 College Enrollment Projection Program
 Lease-Purchase Program
 Procurement Program
 Proforma Cash-Budget Program
Manhattan SoftwareConcentration
 ESP Lab
 Labyrinth Run
 Life List
 Listmaker II
 Loan Amortization II
 One-Disk Mailing List
 Printing Calculator
 Sales Tax Accountant
Marathon SoftwareMaster Budget
 Pik’Em 83
 Pik’Em 84
 Pik’Em 85
 Pik’Em 87
Marc Ed, Inc.Geography Terms US: Check Marc Level
 Geography Terms US: High Marc Level
 Geography Terms World: Check Marc Level
 Geography Terms World: High Marc Level
Mariah ComputingBisplan
Marigold AssociatesNewCMD
Mark Gordon
Mark ReedModel 4 Utility Disk
Matthew SmithOmega 
Max Ule and CompanyTickertec
Mayday SoftwareBackup
MCCI IncKeyboarding Made Easy
MCS Software150 Business Utilities
McSystems SoftwareDPIT Debugging Programs by Interpretive Tracing
Med Systems SoftwareB Text
 Basic Bartender
 Journey to the Center of the TRS-80
 Money Master
Medfield Computer
Random Access Depreciation
 Random Access Payroll
Media Materials IncAnalyzing Word Meanings
 Be A Word Architect Studying Structure
 Be A Word Architect Using Context
 Building Inference Skills
 Compound Complex
 Discovering Details
 Discovering The Main Idea
 Extracting The Main Idea
 Final Assembly
 Forming Inferences
 Homographs and Homophones
 Keys To Sequence
 Link It All Together
 Reading The Facts
 Recognizing Details
 Sentence Helpers
 Sequential Order
 Speed Reading Course
Live Dangerously
Mercer Systems IncAlpha II
 Learning To Count Money
 Spanish Drill and Practice
Meta Technologies
AIDS Data Entry Module
 AIDS Disk Sort
 AIDS File Editor
 Calcs/AIDS-III File Conversion Utility 
Michael Shrayer
MichTronBusiness Agreements
 Cycle Billing System
 Family Tree
 MichTron Pascal
 Screen Dump
Micro Architect IncAccounts Receivable
 Data Base Manager
 General Ledger
 INV-III Inventory
 Sort and Linked List Access Utility 
Micro CompCivil Engineering
Micro Print-X Inc.MP-X
Micro SoftwareMemory Jogger
Micro-Labs80-Grafix (Model I Version of Grafyx)
Micro-MediaVector Fix
Accounts Receivable
 DOSPlus v3.0
 Master Diskette Directory
 Super Bak
MicroByte SofwareDBMS80
 Mass Mailing System
Microcomputer Business
 MBS Business Management System
 One Disk Accounting
Microcosm Inc.Versatile Information Manager
Microdex CorpCash Professional
 T.CAD Professional
 T.CAD Professional
MicrogramDental Office Management
 Law Firm Management
 Medical Office Management
 Mount St. Helen’s Game
 Property Management
MicrometricsLinear Program
Micropro InternationalMail Merge
MicroSmith Computer
MicroTech Exports
Midwest Data SystemsAuto-Writer
Midwest PublicationsMind Benders Level A-1
 Mind Benders Level A-2
 Mind Benders Level A-3
 Reading Klooz
MikesellLDOS Utility Pak
Mimar IncGenealogy Program
Mirage SoftwareAttack of the Yeti
 Disaster at Sealab
 Fighter Run
 Roman Conquest
 Time for the Sheriff
 EnhComp BASIC Compiler v2.x
 Hardware Interface Kit
 Little Brother Maintenance Support Utilities 
 MSP-02 [Misosys Support Package] 
 Pro-ESP [Misosys Support Package] 
MIX SoftwareASM Utility
 Mix Editor
MM Computer ClubGradebook
Modern Curriculum
Press, Inc.
Micropower Math Software Grade 1-3
 Micropower Math Software Grade 1-6
 Micropower Math Software Grade 4-6
Modular Software
Molimerx did not routinely publish the author names in their catalogs, so it is quite possible that they were just selling software which is currently NOT missing. So if you have anything with the Molimerx label at all, please submit it so that I can compare your known Molimerx title to the existing similar named titles.
MolimerxAccess [Multiple Drive Simulation] 
 Accounting Trainer
 ACM [AC Circuit Modeling Program]
 Admiral Graf Spee
 Alpha Budget 
 Amateur Log
 Animation [Disk Version]
 Animation [Tape Version]
 Astronomical Calendar 
 Bar Chase 
 Base Convertor
 Basic Insert 
 Beep [Basic Enhancement and Extension Package] 
 Binary Hex Octal Decimal Converter 
 Casino Roulette
 Chemical Formulae 
 Cheque Book
 City Encounters
 Color Graphic Plotter 
 Company Director 
 Computer Pools
 Creole Lobstercatcher 
 Critical Path Analysis 
 Cross Reference
 Cube Hunt
 Dark Void 
 Data Writer 
 Datemate [Personal Diary and Planner] 
 Descriptive Statistics Made Easy
 Descriptive Statistics Plus Centiles 
 Differential Equations Made Painless
 Differential Equations
 Direction Finder 
 Disk Aid
 Disk Index
 Duel at High Noon
 Duel in the Dark
 Electric Accountant 
 Elemental Maze 
 Enhanced BASIC
 Epson Patch 
 Exec [Command List Processor]
 Family Tree [Disk Version]
 Family Tree [Tape Version]
 Farmer Brown
 Fast Fourier Analysis
 File and Data Handling for Disks 
 Financial Analysis
 Flight Plan 
 Forest of Mordor
 French Vocabulary
 Frog II 
 Graph Plotter
 Help Utility for LDOS 
 Honest Joe
 Hospital Homicide
 Image Processing Kit
 Incomplete Records 
 Infinite Business 
 JKLGrafx [Graphics Screen Print] 
 Keyboard Mask
 Knights Deluxe
 Knights Tour 
 Level I in Level II-RAM 
 Lost Colony 
 Lunar Lander
 Machine Code to BASIC
 Mah Jong
 Mailing List 
 Matrix Manipulator [Disk]
 Matrix Manipulator [Tape]
 Miles Per Gallon
 Mini Utility 2 
 Mini Utility
 Morse Code Translator
 Multiple Choice Questions
 Music Master 
 Page File
 PAI Price Adjustment Indices 
 Plant Selector
 Purchase Ledger 
 Random Dungeon Generator
 Renumber BASIC
 Sales Ledger 1 
 Sam Lloyd
 Share Dividends 
 Share Portfolio
 Shuttle II [Disk]
 Shuttle II [Tape]
 Slot Machine
 Small Forth 
 Smart Terminal 
 Space Eye [Disk]
 Space Eye [Tape]
 Space Eye
 Space Governor 
 Stock Control 
 Stock Market 
 Submarine Chase 
 Supa Trek 
 SuperKey [Drawing Aid]
 Supra Trek
 System II Accounting
 Telephone Index 
 Texpro Word Processor [M1]
 Texpro Word Processor [M3]
 Time Recording
 Touch Typing
 Treasure Trove 
 Triumph of Rome
 User Programmable File Handling 
 VAT Register 
 Vision Load
 Yi Ching
Montezuma MicroMonte’s BASIC
MorganChild’s Play
Mr ReavleyGuessword 
Mr. SoftyConcentrate
 Dodge It
 Hop Along Cass-80
 Math Smarts
 Needles in the Hay
 Purple Puma
 Shooting Gallery
 Space Races
 Word Works
 X’s and O’s
MTS EnterprisesCurvfit
Mumford Micro
8748 Assembler
 Disk Index v2 
 Fast Fourier Transform
 PenPatch [Edit BASIC Programs in Pencil]
Nautilus SystemsFig-Forth
Nelson Software
Automatic Menu System
 Codes for the Electric Pencil
 Dazmar’s Underworld of Doom
 Disk Inventory
 Forsaken Gultch
 Super Writer
 Vegas 5-Pak
 World Under the Cimeeon Moon
Nepenthe ProgramsAccounts Receivable
 Aircraft Maintenance
 File Manager 80
 Generalized Program Utilities
 Mod 1 to Mod 2
 Time Accounting Billing System
Nevins Microsystems
Newby Software
Development Co
 Budget and Checking
 Budget and Investment
 Home Info Retrieval
 Monte Carlo
 Stock Portolio
Nickolas MarentesGem Hunter 
 Stellar Odyssey 1 
 Stellar Odyssey 2 
Nodvill SoftwareNodvill Diet Program
NoonanStatement Balancer
Norman J Wazaney JrRoyal Flush: Competitive Poker Solitaire
Northeast MicrowareBlackjack Simulator
 Keyword Indexing System
 Sorts for Home and Business
Noteworthy Software
Chess Classics: King Pawn Disk
 Chess Classics: Queen Pawn Disk
Nutbush Computer
Auto Invoice
OATUGFord Driving Simulator 
 OATUG Library Catalog on Disk 1989-03 
OCR AssociatesTaxaid
OFS IncOrganized Filing System
Omnisoft ResearchCopycat II
Onacki SystemsPascal Compiler
One Stop SoftwareCheck
OrcompBasic Statistics I 
 Level 1 Renumber 
 New to Numbers 
 Space Trek I 
P JoyChurch 
P80Nut SoftwareForgotten Graphics
PABSoftAdvanced State Variable Analysis
 Buttworth and Chebychev I
 Chebychev II
 State Variable Analysis
 Transfer Function Analysis
Paeco IndZircon
Palomar SoftwareCoded Ledger
 Transfer List
Paul SpoltoreCasop
PCD Systems IncNutri-Calc
 UCSD p-System
PDIPre-School I.Q. Builder
Pel-TekSpell Check System
Pendulum PressHigh Motivation Reading Series: 20000 Leagues Under the Sea
 High Motivation Reading Series: Charles Lindbergh/Amelia Earhart
 High Motivation Reading Series: Frankenstein
 High Motivation Reading Series: Student Record System
 High Motivation Reading Series: Student Record System
 High Motivation Reading Series: The Beatles
 High Motivation Reading Series: Time Machine
Pensadyne Computer
Disk Based Word Processor v7.5
 Mailing List Option v7.5
 Pensa-Write 1
 Pensa-Write 2
People’s SoftwarePeople’s Software Tape 1 
 People’s Software Tape 10
 People’s Software Tape 9
Percom Data CompanyPercom Patch Pak 1
Peripheral PeopleFastmail
 Mini Mail
 Upper/Lower Case Conversion
Personal Computer
File Transfer Program
Personal Computer
 ML Copy
Personal SoftwareChecker King
Peter ShenkinIncome Tax Program
Phase80Auto Graphics
 SuperBug [Game]
Philadelphia Consulting
Group, Inc.
Pony Express
Picotrin Technology
Picosub Input Subroutine
 Quality Assurance System
Pioneer SoftwareProform
Plus Computer
Accounts Payable
 Accounts Receivable
 Easy Trak
 Fixed Assets
 General Ledger
PM ProgrammingCritpath
Portable Computer
Support Group
Disk Plus
Portable SoftwareFootball
PowersWizards Castle
PowersoftAuto File Manager
 Epson Driver Compiler
 LDOS Utility Disk 8
Practical AnalysisMotor Start
 Pipe Design
Practical ApplicationsPractical Pilot
Precision PrototypesCalendar
 Fast Sort
 Football Scouting Report
 Form Letter
 Loan Amortization
 Mail List System
 Super Calendar
Press A SoftwareFastype (Network 3)
 Fastype (Network 4)
Research Inc.
Genesis III Dog Program
 Genesis III Harness Program
 Genesis III Pro Football
 Genesis III Thoroughbred Program
Data Corp
WIZ [Word Processing Is Eazy] 
Program Design IncAnalogies
 Preschool IQ Builder
 Reading Comprehension: What’s Different?
 Spelling Builder
 Step by Step
 Story Builder
ProgrammaData Base Management 5
Programma InternationalMailing List and Labels
Programma SoftwareConcentration
 Programmas Improved Editor
Programmer’s GuildMaze of Darkness
Programmer’s Program
Programs for the 80sWar in the South Atlantic
Queen’s Football Scouting System
ProSoftDot Writer v3.0
ProSoftQuick Compress
QSDExtra Special Delivery
 Z-80 Disassembler
QSI SystemsCursor
 Mail List
Quality Software
and Consulting
Quant SystemsStastician
Quarp Pub’sQuiz: Movies Televisions Sports
Quatrk Computer
Systems Inc.
Tax Programs
Questar SoftwareMicro-Backgammon v1.5
R R BelangerAnalysis of Covariance
 Analysis of Variance
 Discriminant Function
 Factor Analysis
 Stepwise Multiple Regression
Racet ComputesInfinite Business
 MDA Mini-Disk Alignment
Radio ShackAGDisk Cow-Calf Herd Management Template [Catalog Number: 26-1611]
 AGDisk Farm Accounting Package [Catalog Number: 26-1546]
 AGDisk Feedlot Cattle Management Template [Catalog Number: 26-1613]
 AGDisk Financial Management [Catalog Number: 26-1547]
 AGDisk Machinery Management [Catalog Number: 26-1548]
 Assembly Language Development System v1.00.00 [Catalog Number: 26-4712]
 Bowling [Catalog Number: 26-7913]
 Business Education Computer Applications in a Small Business
[Catalog Number: 26-2654]
 Cassette Mailing List [Catalog Number: 26-1503]
 Cassette Payroll [Catalog Number: 26-1504]
 Champs: A Football Scouting Program [Catalog Number: 26-2703]
 CheckWriter-80 [Catalog Number: 26-1584]
 COBOL Class Notes [Catalog Number: 26-2723]
 Cobol Query [Catalog Number: 26-2026]
 Cobol Run-Time Disk [Catalog Number: 26-2207]
 Cobol Run-Time Disk [Catalog Number: 26-2191]
 Compiler BASIC Run-Time Disk [Catalog Number: 26-2209]
 Computer Discovery Senior High [Catalog Number: 26-2632]
 Computer Education Series: Part 1 – Introduction to BASIC
[Catalog Number: 26-2150]
 Computer Education Series: Part 2 – BASIC Programming
[Catalog Number: 26-2152]
 Computer Education Series: Part 3 – Advanced Basic
[Catalog Number: 26-2154]
 Computer Education Series: Part 4 – DOS [Catalog Number: 26-2156]
 Custom Font System [Catalog Number: 26-2232]
 Dean Vaughn Memory Course [Catalog Number: 26-2024]
 Disk Mailing List [Catalog Number: 26-1551]
 Dr. Logo [Catalog Number: 26-2781]
 Enhanced Model III VisiCalc [Catalog Number: 26-1569]
 Enhanced Visicalc [Catalog Number: 26-1520]
 Fixed Asset Accounting [Catalog Number: 26-1560]
 Formula I [Catalog Number: 26-7911]
 High Motivation Reading Series: Dracula [Catalog Number: 26-2502]
 Home Accountant [Catalog Number: 26-1511]
 Home Controller Program [16K] 
 Home Controller Program [32K] 
 Introduction To Pascal [Catalog Number: 26-2674]
 Investment Portfolio Manager [Catalog Number: 26-1514]
 K-8 Math Cross-Reference [Catalog Number: 26-2750]
 Level 1 System Tape 
 Micro Courier [Catalog Number: 26-1589]
 Network 3 Author I Lesson Presentation Package [Catalog Number: 26-2713]
 Network 4 Operating System [Catalog Number: 26-2773]
 Network Pascal [Catalog Number: 26-2739]
 Number Patterns [Catalog Number: 26-2752]
 Payroll v2.3
 PFS:Report (Model 3) [Catalog Number: 26-1516]
 Philadelphia Computer Assisted Reading Development: Directions
[Catalog Number: 26-2605]
 Profile III+ Hard Disk [Catalog Number: 26-1593]
 Quadratic Equations [Catalog Number: 26-2623]
 Real Estate Finance [Catalog Number: 26-1579]
 Real Estate Vol 5: Depreciation [Catalog Number: 26-1575]
 Rekord Planner: Administrators Version [Catalog Number: 26-2725]
 Rekord Planner: Guidance Counselors Version [Catalog Number: 26-2726]
 Rekord Planner: Special Ed Coordinators Version [Catalog Number: 26-2727]
 Show & Spell [Catalog Number: 26-1712]
 Student Information System [Catalog Number: 26-2729]
 Time Accounting Package [Catalog Number: 26-1561]
 TK!Solver Finance SolverPack [Catalog Number: 26-1631]
 TRS-80 Hands-On BCL Package [Catalog Number: 26-1708]
 TRSDOS 6.2 Upgrade to LS-DOS 6.3 [Catalog Number: 70-2297]
 VisiCalc Business Forecasting Model [Catalog Number: 26-1521]
 Voxbox Inventory Demo 
 Voxbox Lunar Lander 
Rainbow Software
Services Ltd
Archive Retrieval System
 Disk Catalogue
 Retrieval System 80
RAM IntelligenceMini-Ledger
 Vacation Planner
RamwareWorld Series Baseball 
Software Inc
3-D Tic-Tac-Toe
Rational SoftwarePROgrammer
Raul RiveraEnemy Evasion
Ray SchaeferSpace Trek I
RCM PublicationsGrafx
 Baker Street
 Horse Racing
 One-on-One Basketball
 Pro Boxing
 Stock Market Analyzer
 Telephone Dialing System
Realty Software
Property Listings and Comparables
 Real Estate Analysis Modules
RefwareRefware Thesaurus
REMarkable SoftwareMedical Office Software
Renrad SystemsInvestment Club Management System
 Portfolio Management System
Report CardElectronic Rollbook
Research Design
 Survey Analyst
Richard TalorScramble
Richard VanHoutenVH/LIB Small C Support Library
Richmond Software
Birth Control
 Drinking and Drugs
 Heart Attack
 Talking about Sex
 Your Blood Pressure
Ricky Cates and
Walter Fuller
Musical Yat-C
Riclin Computer
 Mental Lapse
RMI SoftwareChain User/JCL
Robert E LitkeBib/Rite
Rocky Mountain
Desktop Accountant
Roco SoftwaresMon83
Roger Olsen and
Bob Anderson
Derelict Aventure
Roger W Robitaille
End Zone II
 Inventory S
Roklan SoftwareAutogrammer
Ron PotkinWarpath
RontelSSBug Single Stepper
Ross VirostkoZolar
Roy SoltoffWC 
S&M Systems,
Customer Control Mail List System
S-C Computer
 Automatic Telephone Dialer
 Security Control Center
S.F.I.Compleat Idiots Bookkeeper
 Make VC
Sales Data IncBackup
 Convert Model I Scripsit and Visicalc to Model III
 Copy Model III Scripsit and Visicalc
 ST80D Patch
Sam76 IncSam 76 Language 
Sams Circuit Design
Descriptive Statistics Package
Saturday SoftwareDBLCom
Sawyer SoftwareGeneral Ledger
SBSGPCS Program Catalog System
SCDCMain Course Planner
SchulzeEDM Editor with Macros
 EDX Editor without Macros
Scott InstrumentsVET/I Voice Control
Select Information
Select with SuperSpell
Shannon MagneticsAccounts Payable
 Accounts Receivable
 Check Register
 General Ledger
 MAS-80 Micro Accounting System
Shirley SoftwareCrosword
Simplsoft Ware
Simply the Best
Software Inc
Small C Compiler v2.1
Simutek EntAmoeba Killer
 BASIC Program Assistant
 Greed II
 Maze Mouse
 Poker Face
 SCP Word Processing System
 Simutek Collection 3
 Simutek Collection 4
 Simutek Collection 5
 Simutek Collection 6
 Space Lander
 Tawala’s Last Redoubt
 Word Mania
Single Source
 Business Multi-Pack
 CCMS Estimating System
 DISMON Interactive Disassembler
 Financial Package for Service Station
 FormGen v2.7
 Personal Accounter
 Rental Inventory Management System
 TRS-ED v2.1
 TRSFlow v1.1
SJR IncKeyPlus Utility Package
SLR SystemsSuper Fast Z-80 Relocating Macro Assembler
Small Business
Systems Group
Accounts Receivable 
Small Computer
Small System
TRS-232 Formatter
smallsystem designDiscometer
 Language Arts [Reading Fluency Cloze Reading Comprehension Drills Tachistoscope]
 Mighty Word Canon
 Screen Artist
SMS ProductsSuper-Dir
Soft 80Telefile/Dial
Soft PlaceList/Key
Soft Sales1979 Income Tax
 Heavyweight Boxing
 Stock Market
Soft Sector
Marketing Inc
Boss III
 Mini Postman
 Super Vaders (Model III Version)
Soft-R SoftwarePlaypen
Softbyte ComputingData File Manager
 Hi-Res Screen Dump
 Star Search Astronomy Guide
 Stock Chart Grapher
Softcore Software
Dohne Bugg Adventure Decoder
 Misadventure 4: Casino of Pleasure
Softek SoftwareAccounts Payable
 Group Insurance Quoter
 Life Insurance Quoter
 Mail Letter
 Mail Program
 Softek 100
Softerware Inc.Lucid Database Management System
Softlex GamesArrow Ambush
SofTrends IncAdept
Softronics Computer
 Time and Schedule Program (Disk)
 Time and Schedule Program (Tape)
 Time and Schedule
SoftsideArrow One Adventure
 Mouse that Ate Chicago Adventure
 SoftSide Magazine Vol 1 No 05 
 SoftSide Magazine Vol 3 No 05 
 Titanic Adventure
SoftStuffFull Screen Editor
 Text Formatter
Software AssociationZ-Chess
Software EfficiencySortfile
Software Engineering
Systems Inc.
Decision System
 Mathematical Programming System
Software EtcExtract
Software ExchangeDirectory
 Dynamic Database
 Investment Portfolio System
 Tarot Cards
Software FactoryFast4
Software GuildSpace Chase 
Software LabsOS-1
Software Options
Software PlantationBugout/BEG
Utility Force
 Video Manager
Softworx IncBasicPro
Solaris PressCipher
 Super Cipher
Solutions80Accounts Receivable
 SSTV Slow Scan TV Pattern Generator
Son SoftDot to Dot Challenge Game
 Maze A Phrase Word Game
 Stair Construction Planning Aide
Sota Computing
systems Limited
Day by Day
 Fast80 BBS
 Forth v2.0
Southbay SoftwareGuitar Primer 80
 ScripSaver 80
Auto Repeat Key
Southern Center
for Research
Calendar Genie
 Houseware Genies
 Insurance Genie
 Mail Genie
 Pantry Genie
 Recipe Genie
Southern SoftwareDLoad
Southern SystemsPersonal Property Inventory
Southfork Software
Budget Monitor
Spectral AssociatesCross Assembler
 Flexplus DOS
 Sleuth Disassembler
Spiral EnterprisesAndromeda Stock Trader and Calculator
 Nebula Stock Data Retrieval
 Stock Market Advisor System v1.0
 Stock Market Advisor System v2.0
Standard Microsystems
Star Software CoBible Highlights 1
Star-Light InternationalThief Adventure
Steve SkindellChain Maker
Steven E ShawAccount Analysis System
 Letter Processor
 Option Analysis System
 Stock Market Analysis System
 Stock Market Financial Analysis System
Stewart SoftwareToolkit
Storybooks of
the Future
Fall Out
 Look, Nod & Shake
 Moon Drops
 Space Waste Race
 Storybooks of the Future
Strachan Holdings
Bypass Password Remover
 Mask Maker
String SystemsDataman Data Manager
Stull Micro Products
Sturdivant and
Dunn Inc
Accounts Receivable
 General Ledger
 The Count
SuccessNEWDOS/80 Additional Utilities Pak
Suma MicrowareMicrocheck-80
SumwareAudex Sound Experimenter
Sunburst CommunicationsBetter View A Zoo
 Make It Click
Superior SoftwareBowling Secretary
 Freezer Inventory
 Life v.74
 Torsional Concrete Beam Design
 Tumbling Cards
 Video Cassette Management
Swallow SoftwareBazul’s Quest
Sykam Systems
SystemworksFixed Assets
T. SoftHiDraw
Tarano and
Accounts Receivable 
Task Computer Applications
Business Accounting Software
 General Ledger / Client Write-Up Systems
 SOAR Service Oriented Accounts Receivable
Tatum LabsDOS Helper
Teaching AssistantClub Billing
 High School and College Physics
 Monthly Billing
 Navigation Aids
 Word Recognition Package
Technical Software
Professional 21 Tutor
Texas Computer
B-Tree Video Program Disk
 Epson MX-80 Printer Diskette
 Zap III
Think Software IncWall Street TAP
Three State DataCMON
Time Management
Tiny C AssociatesTiny C
Tom DempseyVideo-80
Tom WilliamsInteractive Business System Inventory Control
TOPS Programming
TXMode Word Procerssor
Treesoft Software
Triangle SoftwareBanking
Trinity Computer
TRSTimesTRSTimes on Disk 10 
TSE HardsideStatPal
TSE Hardside/
Options Monitor
Tulsa Micro SystemsBasic Disassembler
 Mailing List I
 Pencil Fix
Turtle Computer
Software Corp
Positional Mathematics
TVG SystemsElectric Mail
Twenty First Century
Disk Directory Index System
Ultimate Computer
BASOPT Basic Program Optimization
 SBasic Structured Basic Pre-Processor
Unicorn SoftwareRevenge
 Sunday Drive
UnilogicAccounts Receivable
 General Ledger
 Intelligent Terminal
 Mail List
Unique SoftwareCovert [Model I to Model II]
Universal Data
Research Inc
Church Contribution System
 Data Base Manager
 Single Entry Ledger
Universal InterfaceFrank Luke
 PCTWDO Picture Windows
Universal Software
Applications Inc.
Civil Engineering
University SoftwareFun and Games (Vol 1)
 Fun and Games (Vol 2)
 Home and Economics
UnknownBackup 4
 Cross Reference Utility
 LDOS v5.1 Help File
 NovaCalc 4
 Pop-Up Calculator
 Pro-80 Estimating
 Screen Machine
 T.K.O. Master Utility
 Ultra Utility
Utility CompanyUltizap/Pro
Victoria ProductionsMoney Trak
Videotronics of
Sarasota Inc.
Virginia Micro
Banner Machine
W. C. MaxeyTrissword
Walonick AssociatesStatPac
Warlock WarehouseCheck Writing Program
Warren L GreeneDefiance 
Warriors and
Warriors and Warlocks: Castle Myrhavell
Wayne Green IncTextedit 
Web AssociatesTBase
 Tebed Machine Language Loader and Editor
 Temon Machine Language Monitor
West Coast
Curve Program 
Western OperationsWOBOS
William A FinkSFinks Microcomputer Chess Game v1.81
William FinkSfinks v4.0
William K MasonGEAP Font Disk 1 
 GEAP Font Disk 4 
Wilson SoftwareDraw5
WittSoftSuper Duper
Wolf and AssociatesVisible Memory
Woodmere ProjectAbaddon
 Ultra Utility
Wyane ThomMonthly Bill System
Xelent 80 SoftwareDating Program
 Dungeons & Towers
 Space Battles
XYZT Computer
Dimensions Inc
Interactive Control Language
 Next Interactive Computing Environment
Yucaipa SoftwareV-Overlay
Zachariah and
Alternate Sort
ZajacEDM/ALE Macro Disk 2
 EDM/ALE Macro Disk 3
 EDM/ALE Macro Disk 4
 EDM/ALE Macro Disk 5